5 Ways to defeat Disappointment!

Since hopes and dreams are part of life then it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that disappointment often accompanies those idealisms. Even though it may sting or cause emotions to stir, it’s important not to allow disappointment to take over your entirety. Instead of reasoning why something didn’t work out the way you anticipated, look for ways you can better your life because of a short coming. Every journey is full of road blocks and obstacles but it’s not impossible to move past them and persevere within challenges that arise. Here’s 5 Ways How;

Accept Failure As Part of The Way Jesus is Guiding You!

No one is perfect and despite the high standards that an individual imposes on their life doesn’t mean failure is useless. Instead of focusing on the action of failure, try to refocus your thoughts to the things you could have done to achieve a better outcome. Learn from your mistakes and evolve into a better being. While you’re in the moment, it may be hard to understand and accept but realize that failure is common and is just another lesson in life. Once you can accept the commonality and education that lies within failure, you’ll be able to overcome the disappointment you’re feeling and move onto the next chapter within your life.

Limit Your Sorrow – Feel it but don’t drown in it!

Depending on the severity of the disappointment, everyone deserves time to wallow within their own depths of sorrow. However, it’s imperative to remember and practice the belief that sorrow cannot last an eternity. Don’t allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself and your situation for more than a few days. Once you’ve maxed out your sad spell, move forward by mapping out what actions you need to take to get yourself out of the rut. No matter how many people you have within your support circle, in reality you’re the only one that can get over your disappointment. Prepare a game plan that will help you feel better about your life and the disappointment you’ve encountered.

Have Faith in God – Trust That He has Sent Jesus To Guide You And To Be Your Savior!

When the world feels like it’s closing in on you, turn to your Faith to provide you with the strength and power to overcome the obstacle that is causing you grief. Anything is possible when you have your faith on your side. God will listen to your fears and setbacks. He will also provide you with the tools you need to get past the disappointment that is engulfing your life. The great thing about having a strong sense of faith means no matter where you are in the world or in your life; you can always channel your faith to guide you on your journey. You can always pray, and always ask Jesus for help and guidance when you pray!


Stop the Comparison

It’s important to understand that disappointment happens to everyone. You can be the richest person in the world or be a celebrity – disappointment has no qualifications because it’s that’s common. When you feel compelled to compare your disappointment to the others around you – don’t!  In reality, you don’t know the truth that lies behind the closed doors of others. While they may appear to have it all together, they probably don’t. While they may seem to be living the life of luxury, they may be incredibly unhappy. Resist the urge of casting judgment and formulating opinions on matters and situations that aren’t your own. Once you’re able to accept your own disappointment and deal with your own issues you’ll feel a huge burden lifted off of your shoulders.

Get Real

Identify what you’re capable of achieving and what’s realistic and aim to accomplish those goals, when you pray ask Jesus to help you achieve any goals that are part of God’s plans and purposes for your life. For example, if you’re a writer and aim to be a professional ask Jesus to help you become the very best writer that God has created you to be but don’t get disappointed if you never write for TV shows, Movies, etc, it may not be part of God’s plans and purposes for your life. Accepting reality in life is not giving up on your dreams, it’s actually leveling the playing field so you can stop emotionally cutting yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. Look for ways to build you up and develop into a greater person by  focusing on becoming real and becoming who God has created you to be! In all things be thankful because God is good and nothing is as bad as it could be because Jesus is with Your Personal Lord and Savior and God is good even when circumstances are NOT!

-A Guzman
