Can God Put “Christ” in Your Christmas?

Have you ever thought about what Christmas really means to you? We have. Almost everyone in our ministry has a different idea of what Christmas means to them. We all agree that Christmas is not about us, and it’s not about the gifts that are exchanged but it’s about the miracle that God decided to give us 2000 years ago when He gave us the miracle birth of Jesus. But what about you? Have you ever really thought about Christmas and what Christmas means to you? Recently some of our ministry team members sat around and talked about Christmas and how it has seemed to have lost its significance in the world today. The world has turned Christmas into a commercialized holiday meant to provoke you to empty your wallets by buying gifts that you can’t really afford for those you love and by provoking you to buy gifts that you feel obligated to buy even for those that you merely tolerate.
Have you too noticed that each year it seems that Christ’s birth is acknowledged less and less during the Christmas season? I am sure you can relate to the fact that when we were all much younger, Christmas was a time of anticipation as you waited for Santa Claus to come to your house or as you waited for Santa Claus to come down the chimney with your gifts galore. But we’re sure like us as you grew older and you matured, you realized that there is no Santa Claus and He definitely does not come down the chimney. You then probably realized through very wise teaching that What you were taught when you were younger about Christmas was not all there was to Christmas, more importantly, Christmas was and is a time of celebration of the miracle birth of Jesus Christ, God’s one and only son through the virgin Mary who when simply asked by God if she would be the mother of God’s one and only son, she simply said “Yes” to God’s plan and will for her life. She said “Yes to God, be it to me according to your word”Luke 1:38 -. Because the Virgin Mary said, “Yes” to God, Jesus Christ was born and sent into the world by God to be the Lord and Savior of all of those who accepted Him and believed in Him. So right now as you think about what Christmas means to you, consider that God loved you enough to send His one and only son into the world to die a horrible death so that you could live and be reconciled back to Him in a personal and intimate relationship.
It may not seem like Christmas to you and for most people it does not, but Christmas is more than just a feeling, it is a life changing moment that happened in history that forever changed the destiny of mankind. And because Jesus Christ wants to be your personal Lord and savior, we invite you to invite Him into your circumstances this Christmas so that He can make all of the difference that you need right now. We invite you to ask God to teach you the real meaning of Christmas and to teach you the meaning of why Jesus came to earth more than 2000 years ago. Whatever situations you find yourself in, we know that God is not only able but He is willing to help you. Be like the virgin Mary when she said, “yes” to God’s will, simply say yes to God right where you are and let Him take the broken pieces of your life and weave them into something magically wonderful. When you invite Jesus Christ into your troubles, Grab a hold of Jesus’s invisible hand, and follow Him where He leads you. Let Him fix those things that just keep on bothering you, let Him fix those things that you just cannot get to work no matter how hard you might try.
Even though the world is trying to capture your every moment with sales ads, TV commercials, newspaper ads and email coupons, shift your attention to the real magic for the real reason for the season, Jesus Christ. Your problems and troubles have qualified you to be in a good position for Jesus Christ to help you. Christmas is still a very magical time of the year and you can seize this moment and say “yes to God’s will, God’s way and God’s plan and get the miracle that God wants to give you in your pits of despair. But while you’re waiting on God to move and shift things around, why not share with others the real reason for the season, it is in this way that you yourself will get in the Spirit of Christmas and you will begin to feel better about things which may just expedite what you may need or want from the Hand of Almighty God;
Here are three perspectives on the true meaning of Christmas that we all can share with others:
* Christmas is a birthday celebration, honoring Jesus. God’s Son took on human flesh and “dwelt among us” (John 1:14).
* Jesus came for our sake. He was born to die on a cross for our sins, and He was resurrected to give us forgiveness and eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
* We can urge people to respond to Jesus with faith, accepting His offer of salvation but ultimately it is up to each person to decide to respond to Jesus’s offer (John 1:12; 3:16).
This time of year is more than just a season to be kind. Christmas is about Jesus—the real reason for the season. So let’s take this opportunity to tell others the miraculous story of Jesus, God’s Son. And let’s pray that many like the wise men that came to worship the promised Savior (Matthew 2:1-2), will seek Him and find Him this year.
~Be like the Virgin Mary and say “Yes to the will of God so that you can begin to experience all that God has for you this Christmas Season and enjoy the real reason for the season which is Jesus! All you have to do is say “yes” to the will of God this Christmas, will you say “Yes” to God? – Luke 1:38