Change What is, Let Jesus Show up!

The young man was enthusiastic, energetic, and highly motivated. He was determined to stand true to his leader regardless of the cost. Confident in his own ability, he boasted, “Even if all the others desert you, I will never!”
Yet, only a few hours later, this young man hung his head in shame when he heard a cock crow. He had not only deserted his leader, but he had denied three times that he even knew him. What Peter thought would never happen became reality.
We raised our two daughters to love the Lord and I was sure if they married young, active,

Christian men, they would surely live happily ever after. My children would never experience divorce. However, as time went on, their marriages encountered major problems and both my daughters went through the heartbreaking devastation of a divorce. My emotions recoiled in protest. What I had believed would never happen, became reality.
How many of us have said a particular situation or event would never happen to us or to those we love: addiction to alcohol, pornography or drugs, sexual abuse, divorce, an incurable disease, criminal behavior, missing in action or an affair? The list is long of those things which we hope will not and somehow refuse to accept could happen to
us personally or to members of our family, and yet, they happen.

I realize many factors contribute to the above scenarios, but I do want to draw our attention to one in particular. We are involved in a serious, spiritual war. This is not a fantasy or the imagination of fanatics. It is reality.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12 KJV)
Our enemy Satan with his angels, though created beings, are more cunning and powerful than we are and have one plan in mind — destruction. Satan is out to destroy testimonies, marriages, families, churches, and lives. To accomplish his plan, he cunningly lays traps, waits for the perfect opportunity and preys on our weaknesses and blind spots.
It is easy for us to become busy and preoccupied with life — to become confident in ourselves. However, when this happens, we let down our guard, and our enemy has an open door to attack. As a result, life can take an unexpected turn and we experience like Peter, “never” becoming reality. In our selves, we are no match for our enemy.

The good news is we don’t have to rely on ourselves. We have Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to help us (James 4:6-8). Our Lord provides the spiritual armor we need and gives us the weapon that can defeat anything our enemy throws our way. This weapon is the Word of God and we need to have it in our hearts and minds, sharp and ready for action (Ephesians 6:13-17).
Although our enemy is ruthless, we do not need to be afraid. It is needful for us to take the battle seriously, never to forget we have an enemy and learn to daily put on our spiritual armor. As the rapture draws closer, our enemy grows stronger. May we heed Peter’s warning to us:
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith …” (1 Peter 5:8-9 KJV)
May we walk with Jesus and claim the victory that is ours!.
Copyright © Sandra Hastings, used with permission.

Can Jesus Change YOUR life?
Jesus wants to be the Lord and Savior of your life! YOU have probably figured out that life can be rough, it can be tough, it can be difficult, and it can be confusing and it can be grossly unfair.
You have probably figured out that you need HELP. YOU have probably figured out that the world’s solutions are lacking. The world’s resources are lacking. The worlds availability to your needs is lacking.
Why not tip the scales in YOUR favor and invite Jesus Christ to become YOUR personal Lord and Savior, why not escape the traps and ambushes that have been cleverly set for you that are hiding waiting to pounce on you that you can’t even see! Invite Jesus to become your personal Lord and Savior again, make a fresh NEW commitment to Jesus that YOU want Him in YOUR life and YOU are willing to Become 1 of His followers!
Invite Jesus to renew your relationship with Him so that He can gain access to your life AGAIN to begin to fix the “mess” that the world has either put you in, left you in or has you in.

Repeat this short prayer if YOU wanna change what is!
Dear Jesus, I am a sinner in need of your saving Grace, please forgive me, I am very sorry for my sins! Jesus, I invite you to come in my life and become my personal Lord and Savior, Jesus, I know I invited you in my life before and I asked YOU to become my Personal Lord and Savior, but I made the mistake of being my own Lord and Savior, I made the mistake of trying to create my own paths, and I made the mistake of trying to open my own doors! Jesus, I hereby quit my job as My own Personal Lord and Savior, because it is NOT working. Jesus, I quit trying to do your job, and I quit refusing to follow where you are so clearly trying to guide me. Jesus, please forgive me for trying to put you out of a job, I am giving YOU your job back Jesus! Please forgive me for my rebellion, and my resistance to your ways.

Please Take control of my life, HELP me fix the mess that the world has me in, I do want to escape the hidden traps that have been set for me and I do want to partner with YOU, Please help me do this Jesus because I realize that I cannot do it myself, I Need YOUR HELP, I Need YOUR POWER, and I need YOUR Divine Guidance, Please HELP me, don’t let me drown in the ditch of despair, or wallow in the well of misery, with your Strong Hand reach in MY bad circumstances and HELP me, please come quickly and don’t delay, HELP ME JESUS, the answers to my prayers may require miracles, but PLEASE save me Jesus, HELP ME JESUS, PLEASE HELP ME so that I can live the abundant Life YOU promises in John 10:10! In Your name, I ask and pray, Amen

Author Evangelist Wendy Evans