Are You Stressed? Get Help! Talk to Jesus!

Life can be very very stressful. Some people are having the best times of their lives, yet it is difficult times for many … it is also a time when we are supposed to feel additional love for others. Unfortunately, for many, moving through life’s hardships and dealing with family or other mental health issues can be downright debilitating. If you do not think anxiety, depression, sadness and stress affect your health, think again. Each condition triggers chemical reactions in your body, leading to a weakened immune system. We all at some point and time or another will experience these items and need outlets to speak with others. Jesus Christ wants to assist you with whatever debilitating emotions you may be feeling.
It can be terrible to have to face so many problems alone and with no one to help you and no one to talk to and no one to care. Jesus invites you to talk to Him. Jesus Cares. Because Jesus cares for you, He wants to invite you to talk to Him. Let Him in where your pain is the worst. Talk to Jesus and let Him respond by guiding you in ways that will help you defeat and overcome your pains and sufferings. Jesus truly does care for you, and He wants to help you.
Talking to Jesus is confidential and will not require an extremely huge amount of anything. He does not charge, and He does listen intently. Jesus invites you to talk to Him about your stress, your problems, your overloads or anything or anyone that has harmed you or disappointed you or even your work or family situations. Talk to Jesus about what is overloading you, what is stressing you and what is making you want to turn and walk away from it all. Jesus will listen. He will respond. He will help you when you take the time to talk to Him when you pray.
Talking to Jesus can provide you with a much needed outlet to unload your pent up emotions and feelings. Talking to Jesus is easy and is just like talking to a best friend. Talking to Jesus will improve your health, your energy levels, and your problems and then give you greater peace of mind.
As we become busier at work, we have less time with family, and increasing stress. We lack necessary relationships with others resulting in feelings of personal isolation. We should seek to find time to speak with others and have deep, meaningful relationships. We should seek to find time to talk to Jesus, and to Pray to God, and seek to get alone and think through things rather than become chained to the demands and whims of others. The demands and whims of others can be overwhelming and unrealistic. God never intended for you to bend to the demands and whims of everyone because of what they want and what they need. Trying to appease everyone and be at their beck and call will stress you out, tire you out and drive you to the brink of insanity if you let them.
Talking to Jesus is especially needed if you are having problems. Life is demanding and often not very fair but it is especially so during troublesome times. If you are stressed and going through hard times, then you know others are stressed and having a hard time. If you observe co-workers in difficult situations or having a hard time, are you reaching out to offer assistance, or do you simply watch and wonder “How they are going to handle it” “Or wonder if they will make it”? One reason more people do not get assistance with their stress and problems is because they are not willing to give it to those who they see or know is also stressed out and going through.
When we help others, we feel a greater sense of joy and happiness. We become better people, helping alleviate our own issues. Talking to Jesus will help you, but when Jesus helps you, He may spur you to help others.
Someone once said, “I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and you did not look after me.” Would those who know you have this to say about you?
In times of need, we need all may need many different services. Why not choose to utilize the services that Jesus is making available to you, talk to Jesus. Jesus will listen to you and help improve your mental health, your life and your outlook on life, and He does this often times so we can do the same for families and co-workers.
Have a willingness to talk to Jesus. Have a willingness to save yourself. Have a willingness to save others, This could be your Very Best gift to others right now. Giving such a gift could be the gift that keeps on giving and giving!
-D. Yeghiaian & “The WIN International Ministries Team”