Have You met Jesus?

Whenever I see a manger scene, whether it’s a foot tall or life-size, I always look at the baby Jesus. Does He look realistic enough? So many nativities give Him a peaceful look, and I imagine He did have one (when He wasn’t crying). But over time, I had forgotten the fullness of who was in that manger two thousand years ago until I started reading the book of Revelation.
I read again that Jesus is …
The Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 1:8 NKJV).
The First and the Last (Rev 1:17 NKJV).
He who lives, and was dead, and … [is] alive forevermore (Rev 1:18 NKJV).
The first chapter of Revelation shows us who Jesus is, and gives us a description of His appearance as John saw Him. A golden band wrapped around His chest and floor-length garment. His head and hair were white, and His eyes looked like a flame. His feet were as refined brass, and His voice sounded like many waters. His countenance shone like the sun. Glorious. Majestic. Amazing. John was so awestruck that he fell at Jesus’ feet like a dead man.
This is our Jesus, the Jesus who came to earth as a baby the first Christmas night. The God of the universe, the Creator of all that is, allowed Himself to be wrapped in our skin, to have a beating heart, and to need food and water like we do. The majestic King of heaven set aside His golden band and crown to wear swaddling clothes. To walk dusty streets. To love those who wouldn’t love Him back. The baby in the manger is Lord of all.

I believe that the shepherds understood who they saw when they found Jesus the night He was born. The angels had told them. Prophecy had promised Him. Christ the Lord had come at last (Luke 2:11 NKJV). Peace arrived and goodwill toward mankind. The shepherds’ response to the angels’ declaration is the same response God wants us to have today.
Seeking Jesus. Praising God. Telling others. When we take in what Scripture tells us about Jesus, the proper response is to seek Him and worship Him. It’s to praise God and share with others who Jesus is and that He has come to seek and save the lost. No longer do we have to roam through life trying to satisfy our hearts our way or to make sense of the world in our own wisdom. We can know God, find all we need in His love and provision, and have purpose. This Christmas, let’s be “shepherds” that share about the Jesus who saves. And like John, the writer of Revelation, let’s fall before Jesus in awe and walk with Him in love.
May the Jesus who was in the manger be the Savior and Lord of your heart and the Peace and Goodwill you seek. May He be the light of your life and the light you share with others in this special season and all year long. Merry Christmas!

Copyright © 2016 Katy Kauffman. Used by permission.
Can God change your life?
God has made it possible for you to know Him and experience an amazing change in your own life.
Have You met Jesus yet, if you haven’t here’s an opportunity for you to meet him;
Here’s how;
1. Acknowledge your problem.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
2. Accept God’s only remedy.
I am the way. The truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me, Jesus Christ. John 14:6
3. Give Christ charge.
I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in.
Revelation 3:20 Offer (give control of) yourselves to God.Romans 6:13
Lord Jesus, I confess that I’m lost in sin and cannot save my own soul. Thank you for dying for me on the cross. Come into my heart right now, cleanse me from all sin in your blood and take charge of my life as my Lord and Savoir!
Need to talk to some 1 about accepting Jesus? Go here; http://peacewithgod.jesus.net/