Have You Wondered Where Was Jesus When Paris Suffered?

Did what happen in Paris make you wonder, where was Jesus when all of that was going on and Where is God when atrocities happen and humans suffer? What happened in Paris was terrible and I don’t claim to understand why such events are allowed to happen, but I can only conclude that God is right here with us, working in the hearts of those who remain. He’s found in the togetherness of our spirits. He’s working in my deepest places and yours to help me and you see the needs of the world around us and shake me and you from our slumber. He’s comforting my children and yours with prayer and peaceful discussion. He’s welcoming home more of His own children while steeling survivors with purpose against unspeakable evil. God is giving you and I every excuse to share the story of His Son Jesus and His gospel of salvation.

ISIS, have claimed responsibility for seven coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris, France that have taken the lives of at least 128 people on the night of Friday, November 13. But what about the French families torn apart? What about the blood-spattered witnesses who survived, traumatized? May Jesus extend to them –Grace. Theirs will be the hardest road, but theirs will not be the only road. Others may walk a similar path, but hopefully Jesus will save them from it.  As the French stood with us on 9/11, so we will stand with them in their efforts to avenge the rape upon their sovereign home. May our resources – in all their forms – find their way to assisting their needs in all areas. May new friendships be formed, may their faith be restored, may we never forget.


And finally, what about ISIS? What do you think should happen to ISIS, the ones responsible for terrorizing Paris and causing so much pain, suffering, terror,Greif and death? What do you think Jesus should do? What do you think God should do? Do you think they should keep on getting away with what they are doing to kill, steal, and terrorize people? Pray about it and let Jesus know your thoughts…Pray about it and let God know your thoughts… Pray and say Dear Jesus, Dear God, I think that _________should happen to ISIS because of what they did to Paris….My reasons for thinking this is because ISIS__________________ Dear Jesus, Please hear my prayer, be pleased dear Jesus to bring peace, restoration and healing to this nation..for God is not the author of confusion, terror, pain and suffering..He is a God of peace, love, joy and hope, be pleased to change this,  in your name I ask and pray…Amen!

Do you think that ISIS network of fear and terror should have a swift and graceful end? Do you think that and that Their twisted ideology is incompatible with a free world? Could what happened in Paris prove that ISIS exists because this is proof that there is a real spiritual enemy? Christ Followers know that the real spiritual enemy is the devil and  Pride was his downfall, fear is his currency, repentance is not his game. Yet he exists, for now, powerful but powerless, hungry but toothless, often appearing as an angel of light but rarely showing his true face so obviously as in the past 24 hours. In God’s ultimate show of grace, he has already lost and his days are numbered. May the same be said for ISIS. Fear, death, and destruction is not the currency of  Jesus Christ, He rules and reigns and will work in the situation if you will pray! The ball is in your court, will you pray?


Pray about it and let Jesus know your thoughts…Pray about it and let God know your thoughts… Pray and say Dear Jesus, Dear God, I think that _________should happen to ISIS because of what they did to Paris….My reasons for thinking this is because ISIS__________________ Dear Jesus, Please hear my prayer, be pleased dear Jesus to bring peace, restoration and healing to this nation..for God is not the author of confusion, terror, pain and suffering..He is a God of peace, love, joy and hope, be pleased to change this,  in your name I ask and pray…Amen!

S Mcevovy
