Is it still Not working? Give it to Jesus, Let Him Multiply it!

There are moments in our life when our faith is tested with challenges to do the impossible.

Philip and the rest of the disciples thought that feeding the multitude was impossible. God often ministers through weakness. He does not always choose strong people so that He can use their strengths. He does not always select perfect people who always do things right in the eyes of men. He chooses weak and broken people so that He can demonstrate His power through their weakness.

God is not limited by our experience, credentials or resources. Sometimes, we limit ourselves in our undertakings and think we would rather keep doing what we do because it works and it’s safe. We often fear and worry.

How would we know if we remain in our comfort zones? Then we would never stop worrying and keep fearing. But God delights in doing the unexpected. And when He does, a blanket of calm envelopes us. Our fears and worries vanish. The boy’s bread and fish may have appeared to have been worth no more than P500 in today’s economy, but in the hands of Jesus it became priceless. God does not need anything to produce a miracle. After all, He made this whole world out of nothing. God delights in taking the most insignificant thing to show His greatness. He looks for a willing and obedient soul. We may not have more than a mustard seed of faith, but He will use it for something wonderful. Let us never underestimate the small and seemingly insignificant! Think of the times we refrained from doing something for the Lord because we feel that what we have is insignificant or too little. Little is much when God is in it! He always provides.

The key to real happiness—whether little or much—give it all to God. Our faith and trust in Him will not only add to our happiness but multiply it.

Author  Msgr. Sabino Vengco Jr.

Want to surrender what is NOT working to Jesus? Let’s pray,

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I bring ____________to you it is NOT working, not changing and not getting any better, I need YOU father, I need Jesus, I surrender __________to Jesus and ask that He become the Lord of my life, take this issue, this problem, this situation, this circumstance and multiply it for my good and for your Glory dear Jesus, Multiply it in such a way that I know that it is the hand of Jesus that has done this.

Multiplication may manifest as more peace, more solutions, more blessings, divine enablement or the thing might just start working, for it is not for me to decide how Jesus will do this thing, it is for Jesus to decide how He will multiply what I’ve placed in His hands to multiply according to His divine timing. Father, Help me be content  and operate in peace in the circumstances in which I am placed as I wait on Jesus to work on this thing, in Jesus name, I ask and pray, amen. – Evangelist Wendy Evans
