Tag Archives: authority

10 Bible Verses Jesus Wants YOU To have About Hope!

Hope is one of the core elements of the Christian faith. It’s a desiring of things that we can’t understand how they will happen, but want them to. It gives us courage and confidence in moving forward. It provides encouragement

Ever Wonder What To do if God or Jesus Doesn’t Show up to Help?

What do you do when it looks like God or Jesus hasn’t shown up after all when you pray repeatedly, seek repeatedly and ask for help repeatedly? Perhaps you’ve been praying earnestly for something – and the situation has apparently

5 Ways You Have Power in the Name of Jesus!

When we call a person by their name, we are, in a sense, proclaiming the meaning behind that name as well. Perhaps this is why God renamed several of His children throughout the Bible to one that was more fitting for the

If Jesus Asked You To Follow Him…Would You Follow?

People seemed to follow Jesus wherever He went – to towns and villages, hills and mountainsides, streets and synagogues. Perhaps most went after Him to see the miracles and healings. Many might have been curious about his teachings. Some may

Need help? Jesus Has A Prayer For YOU!

Why re-invent the wheel? Sometimes the Book of Psalms is the only prayer resource we need. Psalm 143 is one to turn to when you are feeling overwhelmed by a trial. Use it today as your template for prayer. Start

If Problems have exhausted you-Turn to Jesus!

As the year continues, let’s all hope that it brings lots of joy and no sorrows. Let’s all hope that things will all get better for us all! Amen?  Even though we may want that, we’ve learned that Nobody is

Life off Course? Are you in “The Rhythm”?

Here’s a quick exercise to try. For the next minute, list all the things God calls us to do with our lives. “Have faith”, you might say. Or pray. Or go into the world, befriend the lonely, heal the sick,

When Life is Bad, Jesus Wants To Help!

During times of cascading badness, friends sometimes need to believe for those caught in the crush of seriously bad stuff. Life can be crushing. Some people seem to get more than their fair share of the crush than others —

Someone For Us!

Jesus said it as clearly as humanly possible: Jesus called [his disciples] together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead,

Use “This and That” to allow Jesus to help YOU Find Divine Discoveries!

Would you like to find your place and purpose in this life? Are you tired of missing it? You have to know that God did not design a blueprint for your life and then left you abandoned to figure it

Could YOU Be Where YOU Are, Because Jesus is Calling YOU to do this?

As the ragtag band of friends of Jesus gathered around their Savior, one thing was obvious: there were only 11 of them — a number that represented incompleteness, failure, abandonment and treachery. Judas had taken his life for betraying his

Do You Celebrate These 6 Freedoms on Independence Day?

The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, and announced the separation of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain. With this, a new nation was formed—the United States of America. History verifies Thomas
