Tag Archives: battle

If The Devil is giving You A Hard Time, Do This!

Early in our Christian walks, we learn that Satan “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). We’ve found joy in our relationship with Christ, but the Enemy wants to steal that away. He

Even in Hard times, Is Your Joy found in Jesus?

God wants us to continually make good choices for our lives. So He’s given us the Bible – His Word – as an instruction book to live by. The thing is, once we know what it says, we’re responsible to

Note from Jesus: My Message for My Churches!

Dear Disciple, The apostle Paul talked about My church as My body, with Me as its head (Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18). His point was that the church is an organism, a living body getting its life-giving direction and coordination from

Be Thankful! A Note to You From Jesus!

Dear Child of Grace, You have been blessed with grace because of the Father’s love (John 3:16-18; Colossians 1:12-14). That grace was embodied by My coming to earth in human flesh, My life of service, My atoning death on the

Ever Wondered if Jesus existed? Here’s evidence!

  The divine Shroud of Jesus is a topic that has received much debate since the image, of what many people consider to be Jesus Christ, was first observed in 1898. Our will and our faith has been at battle
