Tag Archives: Counseling

Do You need Jesus to help Get Your Life on Track?

Our lives appear always to be in a constant state of change. Happiness and frustration are never very far removed from each other. I have been away from the Psalms too long. David’s psalms come from many different places and

Jesus Wants to show you how to handle Fears You Might Have..Tune in Here..

Dear Roger, I’m writing you this letter because I’ve struggled with fear, anxiety and worry my whole life. My mother used to tell me that the best way to handle worry was to imagine the very worst thing that could

Learn How Christ’s Presence can change Your Life!

In Christ we are a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come. We have a new reality in Christ. We are no longer our old dead selves, but we live through Christ. Yet, many people still

Even Jesus God Mad at God…How about You?

Do you ever get mad at God? Has something ever happened to you or to someone that you love that  has made you “really” mad at God? Are your current circumstances either making you mad or making you question just

Can We Really Predict The Return Of Christ?

  There was a lot of noise recently about Christ returning on May 21st 2011. And yet, May 21st 2011 came and went. This isn’t the first time this has happened. Even few years someone comes along and claims to
