Tag Archives: Right

Got Time For Jesus?

My heart stopped as I looked at my calendar. I’d missed my appointment with my child’s school principal. Again. Shrouded in shame, I reached for my phone and imagined the principal reaching for his, except he wasn’t calling me. “Department

God Sent Jesus In YOUR Life For A Reason!

It was one of those days. The kind of day where the bills pile up, the dishes taunt, and the phone won’t stop ringing. Guilt trips tugged. Vacation seemed like a far-off hallucination. And the list of duties expanded into

If Life is tough, Expect the stones against you to change!

The story begins with a trap set by the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees. The trap involved a woman caught in the act of adultery. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people

When life gives You lemons, Turn to Jesus For Joy!

Jesus said to his disciples: – As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and

~Can Christ Count On YOU To Share His Love?

The recent request came as a comment and a pleasant surprise from an avid blog reader, the short note is reprinted below with permission: A while ago, I believe, a story was published, it was about a man named Mark

A Note To You From Jesus! Be Faithful!

 Dear Friend, I want you to feel the urgency in Paul’s words to Timothy. They come from the last of Paul’s writings to his son in the faith. These words plead for Timothy to join Paul in his life of

Life can be Hard, But Don’t Give up!

I love to see young people give their lives to Jesus. I love to see them commit to him in faith, dying with him in baptism, and starting a journey with him that will last the rest of their lives…

What if what You Want From Jesus Requires This Response…..

“He was so close to beating his addiction, but couldn’t quite get free. And now, well now, I’m afraid he’s lost to it… completely caught up in its powerful hold.” “She was so close to having beaten cancer. Then, cruelly

Jesus Could Be Allowing Your Pain to Redeem You!

I’ve just got to have some steak!” I surprised myself when I said this out loud while sweeping my back porch. But my stomach was growling and I couldn’t think of anything else but a charcoal grilled steak to fix

Come! Let’s experience what the Lord has told us about!

As soon as the heavenly messengers disappeared into heaven, the shepherds were buzzing with conversation.Shepherds: “Let’s rush down to Bethlehem right now! Let’s see what’s happening! Let’s experience what the Lord has told us about!” (Luke 2:15 The Voice) Feel

Jesus Made it Possible for Grace to be given to you!

Dear Disciple, You are saved by grace. You received that grace through faith. There is no room for boasting about being saved. Neither is there any room for belittling Jews who have rejected the message of grace. This rejection by

Today is Resurrection Sunday – Jesus Could Be Heading Your Way!

The apostle Paul prayed the following prayer for new believers in Asia Minor: Let them see the full extent of Your power that is at work in those of us who believe, and may it be done according to Your
