Tag Archives: Their

Someone For Us!

Jesus said it as clearly as humanly possible: Jesus called [his disciples] together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead,

Jesus is Helping You, Are You Helping Him?

  “What am I supposed to do with my life?” “I don’t feel like what I do matters very much… that my life makes much of a difference. How do I make my life count?” “I’m nothing special. I’m shy.

Do You have More Bread Than Peanut Butter?

Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it [thorn of difficulty] away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all

What Do YOU Do After The Crowd Leaves….?

Thanksgiving is over. What do we do after the crowd has gone? All our frantic preparations are past tense. The meal and feasting are over. Our family and our guests are gone, many carrying a few extra pounds and more

Perhaps what Has Happened is so the Works Of God May Be Manifested!

She was a young mom with two little kids in car seats blasting down the freeway in her black, upscale, SUV. She nearly hit me as she crossed way over the lane marker going 75 on a toll road while

With Jesus Impossibilities become Possible!

Limbless Evangelist Nick Vujicic is shown with his pregnant wife Kanae enjoying their time together at an undisclosed location in this photo he posted on his Facebook page in July 2015. Living in Australia, he was taunted constantly by bullies

Easter Sunday! Celebrate Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Easter Sunday is a cheerful day for Christians because they trust that Jesus ascended from the dead on this day. They believe that Jesus Christ’s resurrection shows that death is not the end of everything. Many go to church to

What Will YOU Do With Jesus?

“Then what should I do with Jesus…?” Matthew 27:23 It was the best of Fridays. It was the worst of Fridays. It was the sleepy, early morning hours of the first Good Friday – the “real” Good Friday. Pilate wondered

Need Some advice? Let Christ Help!

“Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago.”        2 Corinthians 8:10 As 2019 approaches, now is a good time to do a check-up on the goals You

Like Mary Has God called You to Make Your life Extraordinary?

As we get closer to Christ’s birthday, which is Christmas day, let’s take a detailed look at Jesus’s mother – a woman named Mary. We will use some ideas and thoughts from Adam Hamilton’s book, “The Journey,” as well as

Could YOU Be Where YOU Are, Because Jesus is Calling YOU to do this?

As the ragtag band of friends of Jesus gathered around their Savior, one thing was obvious: there were only 11 of them — a number that represented incompleteness, failure, abandonment and treachery. Judas had taken his life for betraying his

Got Time For Jesus?

My heart stopped as I looked at my calendar. I’d missed my appointment with my child’s school principal. Again. Shrouded in shame, I reached for my phone and imagined the principal reaching for his, except he wasn’t calling me. “Department
