This Good Friday – Sow YOUR Seed Of Honor!

I believe that “The cross of Christ is the door to Heaven, the key to paradise, the downfall of the devil, the uplifting of mankind, the consolation of our imprisonment, the prize for our freedom.” The Cross of Christ is the safeguard of our faith, the assurance of our hope, and the throne of love. It is also the sign of God’s mercy and the proof of forgiveness.
Someone politely suggested that Good Friday has to be the best day to turn to Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior, I however, believe that any day is a good day to turn to and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Good Friday has been officially declared the day that Jesus’s sacrifice is recognized and honored worldwide. Accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior any day not just Good Friday enables you to be reconciled back to God in right relationship so that you can have fellowship with God and walk and talk with Him daily to discover the purposes for which He’s created you for.

I have found that many people celebrate Good Friday many ways. I think the best
way to celebrate Good Friday is to do what you feel in your heart will honor
Jesus and honor God for their sacrifice of the death, burial and resurrection of
Jesus. For you see, God did not have to do
what He did to redeem mankind by creating Jesus and allowing Him to die such a
terrible painful death, but He did, and He did this because YOU matter to God
and YOUR life matters to God. God wanted you to have a way to be reconciled
back to Him. So, He created Jesus. God used Jesus’s sacrifice of dying on the
cross to create a bridge that would enable you to be able to walk across it to
get to Him and start a relationship.
So, today, I’d like to encourage you to choose to walk across the bridge, to get to Jesus. Today, choose to walk across the bridge to get to God. Honor them. Thank them. Pray to them and Celebrate them. The highest honor you can give God and give Jesus is the gift of you creating your own special way of saying “thank you” for all you did for me. When you create your own special way of celebrating and honoring God and honoring Jesus for the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus you give a gift that has no price tag on it. I believe that this is the least you can do for all that God has done for you. I believe that this is the least you can do for Jesus for all He’s done for you. I suggest you do this right now, while you’re thinking about it, and do this with no expectation of any kind of return, result, or response. Do it simply because you want to say thank you.

Even though it is suggested that you do this with no expectation of a response or return, doing this sends a powerful signal to the Spirit world that creates supernatural waves in the spiritual realm that touches the spirits. When the Spirits are touched by the suggestions, I’ve given you to follow, blessings, favors, and positive and joyful results returns to whomever sent the signal of honor. Sowing a seed of Honor like this is Powerful.
Sow your seed of Honor to Jesus today, sow your seed of honor to God today, stay long enough in the presence of God and in the presence of Jesus to create a memory. Take your time, do it right, don’t rush, don’t let anyone talk you out of it, and don’t let anyone tell you, you’re out of your Mind. Jesus is worthy to be honored and praised. God is worthy to be honored and praised. How you honor and celebrate God will make a difference this Good Friday. I suspect that God and Jesus will feel so honored and floored by your honor, they might be so inclined to respond to you and thank you to let you know their thoughts on how you’ve honored them.

Additionally, as you sow your seed of Honor to God and to Jesus this Good Friday reflect on your life. Think of all you’ve been through, and all you’re going through now, bring it to Jesus, let Jesus know your heart on what you’ve been through and then remember to leave it at the foot of the cross. Let Jesus handle what you can’t. Let Jesus control what you can’t. Let Jesus fix what you can’t. Jesus knows what to do, He is the way, the light and the truth and no person cometh to God except through Him.
Happy Good Friday, and remember, any day is a good day to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. If you haven’t already accepted Jesus as your Personal Lord and Savior, repeat this short prayer, Dear Jesus, I am a sinner in need of your saving grace and power, I am so sorry for my sins, I cannot save myself, I therefore ask you to come into my life and come into my heart and become my personal Lord and Savior, I need you Jesus, I need God. Please help me. Teach me how to honor you not just on Good Friday, but on every day, help me find God’s right pathways for my life, it is in your name, I ask and pray, Amen!

Written by Evangelist Wendy Evans
With contributions of Ken Gardiner