Category Archives: Jesus Christ

Need More Help? Can Jesus Meet with you when YOU pray?

Jesus Christ wants to meet with you when you pray. Are you interested in getting better results in your prayer life? If you are then inviting Jesus Christ into your prayer life to see what differences He can make in

Signs YOUR battle is spiritual! Jesus can help YOU win it!

We’re in a battle in this world – a spiritual warfare battle. We may not see it, we might forget it’s there. But the enemy would love nothing more than to fill our minds with discouragement and defeat. If you’re

Is YOUR faith low? If so, pray this prayer!

Has long term suffering and unresolved problems made you doubt Jesus? Is your faith at an all-time low right now? If so, I wrote a prayer to help you find the words to pray when your faith is low. If

If you trust Jesus, He will make a way for you!!

People of God, as we say all the time, we are truly living in perilous times, but even in that we must be reminded that we have an anchor in Christ Jesus and must be sure and very sure that

Weary from Warfare? 10 ways to make it through!

Sometimes it might feels like we’re all being attacked from all sides — and indeed we are. Ephesians 2:2-3a mentions three sources of attacks: “this world … the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Satan) … the cravings of

Don’t let your color fade if times are hard!

I painted the hydrangeas with care next to my favorite verse in Scripture. Wide margins in my journaling Bible gave me room to draw my favorite flower next to Psalm 107:9. This verse has always been a prayer of mine

Come, Look, and See!

1 of the reasons Jesus beckons you to follow Him is because He knows God’s plans and purposes for your life and can help you get there safely. As you read the below story, remember, Jesus is always speaking to

Jesus can help, if you have gotten tired!!

Disasters, violence, division, and lawlessness overtake the headlines of the local, national, and world news. Our media lacks good news stories. Daily, I see that terrible things are happening within my city, state, and nation. Some say they do not

When Hard Choices and Difficult Situations Persist, Let Jesus Help!

Life is often a jumble of hard choices and difficult situations. You may find yourself standing at a crossroads, unsure of which direction to take. Perhaps you’ve been there for a while now, feeling the weight of your decisions bearing

Jesus Learned To do this when He was going thru….

For most of my life, I struggled with being still. Being an extrovert made it hard to say no to people. I would push myself to do anything and everything for others, and failed to make time to simply be

Weary? Jesus can help!

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck or blocked, with no help in sight? Perhaps you feel like you’re navigating life’s challenges all on your own. If this sounds familiar, take heart! The good news is that Jesus can show

As YOU follow Jesus, Focus on the Good!

There are two competing forces that stir up discontent within us. On one hand, we live in a society and economic system that runs on discontent. From start to finish, businesses work hard to fuel within us a desire for
