Category Archives: Jesus Christ

If Jesus Asked You To Follow Him…Would You Follow?

People seemed to follow Jesus wherever He went – to towns and villages, hills and mountainsides, streets and synagogues. Perhaps most went after Him to see the miracles and healings. Many might have been curious about his teachings. Some may

You can still make it with the help of Jesus!

Are you facing massive challenges that seem insurmountable? Do you feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate through these sizeable obstacles? When situations are difficult, tiring, worrisome, bothersome, over the top terrible, and they don’t seem to change no

Trust Jesus to Transform Your Unmet Expectations into Miracles in Your Deserts!

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a desert, feeling parched and weary? Perhaps life has presented you with unmet expectations, leaving you feeling disappointed, discouraged, and unsure of what lies ahead. We want to share with you

Jesus wants to help if you’ve become weary!

The enemy will try to bring things against you to try to get you to become weary and faint in your mind. If your mind faints, your words will change. When you say, “I believe I’m strong today. My faith

You might just need “better options”!

The world is a beautiful but chaotic place at times. We often find ourselves stuck in difficult situations that leave us feeling helpless and without options. But don’t lose hope; there is always a way out. Countless stories throughout history

Jesus can help you “make it” if you pray!

Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for

“Transformative change is possible, if Jesus helps”!

In the face of difficulties and challenges, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and disheartened. But as Christians, we have a powerful source of hope – Jesus. With unfailing love and unwavering faith, He can turn our situations around, transforming

If Problems have exhausted you-Turn to Jesus!

As the year continues, let’s all hope that it brings lots of joy and no sorrows. Let’s all hope that things will all get better for us all! Amen?  Even though we may want that, we’ve learned that Nobody is

Share YOUR life with Christ!

Jesus is not only our Savior and Lord, but he is also the model on whom we are to build our lives! [Jesus told his disciples,] “A disciple is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully qualified will

YOU are blessed, “YOUR sour situations” teach you how Jesus works!

Have you ever found yourself wading through the murky waters of life’s most unpleasant experiences? Perhaps you’re wrestling with a persistent sickness, facing utter brokenness, or trying to navigate through the labyrinth of exhaustion that life has thrust upon you.

What doesn’t work is a teacher! 9 things to remember when Failure happens!

Sometimes it is real, other times it’s imagined, but the feeling of failure is acute. Disappointment in one’s self is heart breaking and soul damaging. Paralyzing to the very core. But as the saying goes, failure is not fatal. Nor

Rough times? Cling to Jesus!

Why do bad things happen to good people? That question is as old as recorded human history. For Christians, there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that promises that life will be all sweetness and light for
