Come closer,Jesus Wants To help You Deal with “Your Stress”!

Everyone feels stressed out from time to time. In fact, according to a new infographic by Make it cheaper, 47% of people feel stressed every day. During a recent invitation from God issued through “WIN International Ministries“, to seek Him for 3 Days,  many people cited stress as being the biggest contributor to their problems, their stress, and their inability to enjoy life!

But, did you know that most successful people find ways to cope with stress and remain cool, calm, and collected at work and in their family lives?

Want Jesus ro help you get a handle on any stress that you might be suffering, if so, take a look at The below infographic which highlights the lessons famous executives and CEOs like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Susan Wojcicki have learned and shared after years of successfully managing the stress that comes with running a business.

Want to make lifetime change? Read and take notes.

how famous leaders deal with stress V2

-Hope Restle
