Problems too much? Invite Jesus to show up and help!

Life can be full of challenges and it can often feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out, especially when your burdens are too heavy for us to bear on your own. We believe that it’s important to remember that Jesus is always with you, guiding you and working on your behalf even in your darkest seasons. Whenever you’re feeling discouraged and exhausted of your problems, the best thing to do is to trust Jesus for guidance.

We have found that Jesus has promised to be with us when we are going through difficult circumstances that seem to overwhelm, stress or worry us. Because of discouraging situations, Jesus also offers to support us, and to help us overcome any obstacles that may come our way if we pray and trust His way for our lives!

All we have to do is put our trust in him and his plans for us. Trusting Jesus is not always easy, but it is worth it! When we’re going through difficult times, taking a step back and focusing on him and his promises will offer us rest, peace, and hope—all of which can be life-changing reminders. Instead of worrying and becoming overwhelmed, we can focus on the One who is good and faithful. So, the next time life gets difficult, remember that Jesus is with you.

Don’t be afraid to turn to Jesus and trust him for guidance and peace in the midst of your trials. Jesus’’s plans for you are always good, and he will never leave nor forsake you.

Need Jesus to show up to help you with your life’s challenges? If you do, pray this prayer,

Dear Lord Jesus,
I invite you to become my personal Lord and Savior and allow me to renew my commitment to you! I invite you to show up in my circumstances and help me! My challenges continue to remain unresolved and they can’t be solved with human logic. Please help me Jesus! I need what only you can do for me, please show up and help me Jesus. In return Jesus, I promise to partner with you, follow you, and make you known to others who may need you or want you to become their personal Lord and Savior, it is in YOUR name I ask and pray Jesus, Amen!
