Jesus can help with “Your full baskets!

“And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes” (Mark 6:43 KJV).
We see in Scripture the phrase “baskets full” five times. Each time it’s used, it follows something having been broken. In each case, the multitudes Jesus fed were suffering from physical hunger. They had been so hungry for a word from the Lord that they neglected their bodies and desires. Yet, even after three days without food in Matthew 15, they didn’t leave voluntarily. Jesus had spent the last three days preaching and healing the sick. He sent them away after their meal, and we see in Matthew 15:32 that Jesus had compassion on them and was concerned about them fainting from weakness when they left. Isn’t it comforting to know that Jesus is concerned about our weak condition? After blessing us by healing our hurts or sickness, He blesses us even more!

Jesus will never leave us with a basket half-full if we hunger for Him. He always gives us exactly what we need. Only those who followed Jesus received the healing for themselves and their loved ones. They were also the recipients of the meal Jesus served. Just like the fish and the bread were broken by Jesus, we also must be broken. The food didn’t do anyone any good until Jesus had broken it. But, when these broken, maimed, weak people received what Jesus had for them, they went away blessed. They may have been broken and empty when they got there, but they went away mended and full.

Looking back at my life, I can see many times I have been broken. Each time was eventually followed by Jesus’ compassion and Him providing for my exact needs. He doesn’t usually work on our timetable or even how we might think he should, but He always gets it right. As 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” He never allows us to be broken to destroy us but molds us into what pleases Him according to His purpose. He gets us in shape, fills our baskets, and uses us for His glory. Have a blessed day in the Lord!!
Lord, help me always lift my basket so you can fill it with what you would have me to have. Help me remember in those times of brokenness that You are molding me into what I need to be to accomplish Your purpose. Let all that I do, bring You honor and glory. Amen.

A Hollifield
Scriptures marked KJV are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION, public domain.