Jesus Christ is In The News Again….

Carrie Underwood might have asked for Jesus Christ to take the wheel, but a woman in Oklahoma on Sunday evening asked for him for pay the tab.

The woman, Kristi Rhines, ordered several drinks and food at a local Lawton restaurant called El Chico. After receiving the bill, the woman told staff that she had no way of paying the bill, but that her husband Jesus Christ would be on the way later to pay in cash, reported ABC 7. Krisiti continued to tell workers at the restaurant that she and Jesus Christ are legally married — though she failed to produce a marriage license.
Rhines maintained that Jesus Christ was going to stroll in and pay her tab up until the moment she was arrested, when police had confirmed that she, indeed, had no way to pay for her meal. Police said that the woman was clearly intoxicated when they arrived on scene.
Oddly enough, it wasn’t the only time Jesus Christ was involved in a crime in the Midwestern United States this weekend. Another man attacked an elderly woman claiming that she was the devil and that he, 52-year-old Colvotte Brooks, was Jesus Christ himself, reported WRDB.
Not quite as laughable as a drunk woman claiming her spouse Jesus Christ was going to pay for her meal, Brooks stalked down an 80-year-old woman, wounding her by throwing a plate at her head while she attempted to crawl away from him on her hands and knees. Though the woman survived, Colvotte has been taken into custody. He is now telling authorities that he is no longer Jesus Christ, but the head of the Department of Homeland Security.

Earlier this month, there was also another food-related Jesus Christ sighting, this time in the form of toast. An English man claimed that he was visited by the Holy Spirit in the form a Jesus marking on his toast in the morning. This phenomenon of seeing the face of Jesus Christ in everyday objects is actually so common that it has been studied and given a proper name — face pareidolia. A recent study found that nearly a majority of the subjects studied saw a person in an ink-blot of an image when they were told one was present, reported Science Direct.