Jesus Learned To Truly Trust God’s Plan, Have You?

It’s a classic mistake, trusting ourselves instead of Jesus as He leads us onward and forward in the fulfillment of God’s plans, and it’s a mistake each of us is capable of making.
Don’t be so naive and self-confident. You’re not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence. It’s useless. Cultivate God-confidence. 1 Corinthians 10:12 (MSG)
It’s hard to depend on God. I say I do. I want to. But too often I depend on myself, my judgment, my opinions, my decisions. Some of this is cultural, but I suspect it’s common to all humans. We want our own way.
I take a problem to Jesus. Lay it out before Him. Sometimes I suggest a solution to the Creator of the universe. I ask for wisdom. For Him to change people’s hearts. Sometimes I remember to ask Him to change my own. I say “Amen,” but before too long I’m considering angles. Figuring out what to do. Coming up with a solution. More often than not, I implement it. It rarely works.
What’s wrong with this picture? Why, after praying, do I act as if it’s still up to me to fix things? And where is God in the process?
The Apostle Paul warned the Christians at Corinth not to get caught up in wanting their own way and never to try to get God to serve them rather than the reverse. It’s a classic mistake, trusting ourselves instead of Jesus, and it’s one each of us is capable of making.
I make it when I try to be the answer to my own prayers. Because, deep down, I don’t trust Him. But Jesus can be trusted. We can’t (and shouldn’t try to) control Him. He isn’t a talisman we add to our lives. He can’t be reduced to that. He made the world. He holds everything together. And Jesus, at great cost, brings us unto Himself. He’s got this. Believe it.
Faith Step: The next time you pray, spend more time listening. Ask for the mind of Christ. Ask Jesus how to pray. Share your heart. Ask Him to share His with you.
A simple prayer such as Dear Jesus, illuminate my mind with your thoughts and ideas on the easiest way for me to truly learn to trust God and His plans for my life. Dear Sweet Jesus, I don’t always understand God’s plans for my life and I struggle to trust God’s plan, please help me Jesus, I want to be self confident in my walk with God not doubting or being double minded and unstable in all of my ways dilly dallying back and forth between faith and depression, guide me the easy and gentle way in such a way that my confidence in God’s plans and purposes for my life and my faith in God increases and I can live each day full of hope and anticipation on how God will fulfill His plans and purposes for my life, it is in your name, I ask and pray, Amen!