Jesus led effectively! Invite Him to help Make you effective too!

Jesus, the son of God is an effective leader. He knew early on that in order to make it in life you have to be effective at whatever God calls you to do. God chose Jesus to be a leader and God helped Jesus become effective. Effective leaders accomplish seemingly impossible tasks because they never give up.
They never buckle under, cave in or give up and quit. Despite mounting criticism, intense opposition, and overwhelming obstacles, they persevere with determined resolve. They refuse to throw in the towel. Often, the easiest thing would be to quit. Just give up. Forget about one’s dream and return to the comfort and convenience of mediocrity. Give in to the words of the critics, give up to the opposition, and give way to the obstacles. Simply tuck tail and run away.
But Jesus wants you to know that if you keep following Him, He is able and willing to help you with your problems, doubts, troubles and uncertainties. But in order to see Jesus at work in helping you fix your problem, you too must work. You will have to be persistent in seeking Him, persistent with whatever instructions He lays before you, and committed to the call of God on your life.
Great power is embodied in persistence. The race is not always won by the fastest, nor the game by the strongest, the effective, the persistent and the one who keeps on keeping on, who refuses to give up. Consider the postage stamp. Its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there. Race car driver Rick Mears said, “To finish first you must first finish.” It is always too soon to quit. One of the most powerful and destructive tools that Satan has in his arsenal is discouragement, the subtle but dangerous compulsion to give up, to quit, saying, “What’s the use?”
When you are tempted to quit: resist. We must endure in this battle until the evil day is over. We must press on in the face of the temptation to quit. Until the war is over, we must fight to the end. Until the race is finished, we must keep running. Until the wall is built, we must keep stacking bricks. Never give up. Never. The promises of God are always at the end. Want to be effective and persistent in life, invite Jesus to help you! Join us in this simple prayer; Dear Jesus, I need your help to fix my problems and my life! Help me become effective, persistent and give me the desire and will to endure God’s work in my life, I ask and pray -Amen