Keep Walking With Jesus, He Never Left, He is working!

The life led by the Spirit of God is marvelous. Sensing His presence, living victoriously, and knowing the truth are characteristics of a free person. But what if you couldn’t sense His presence? What if God, for some reason, suspended His blessings? What would you do if you were faithfully following God and suddenly all external circumstances turned sour?
My family and I have been through two extremely dark periods in our life. There were days I wasn’t sure if we were going to make it. If it wasn’t for the message of Isaiah 50:10, I’m not sure we would have survived spiritually. Isaiah is asking if there is a believer, somebody who fears the Lord, walking in darkness. He is not referring to the darkness of sin or even the darkness of this world. He is talking about the darkness of uncertainty–that blanket of heaviness that settles in as though a black cloud has drifted over our very being. God has suspended His conscious blessings.
What is a person to do during these times? Isaiah tells us that no matter how dark it gets, we are to keep on walking. In the light we can see the next step. The path ahead is clear. We know a friend from an enemy and we can see where the obstacles are. But when darkness settles in, every natural instinct says to drop out, sit down, stop! We become fearful of the next step.
Isaiah says don’t stop; keep on walking. Keep walking in the light of previous revelation. If it was true six months ago, it is still true. I try never to make a major decision when I am down. Rather, I wait until the cloud lifts and everything is clear and in focus again.
If God’s ministry of darkness should envelop you, understand that God has not left you; He has only suspended His conscious presence so that your faith will not rest on feelings or be established by unique experiences or blessings. Listen to Isaiah’s advice: Keep on walking. Never doubt in the darkness what God has clearly shown you in the light.
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for guiding me through the darkness of my trials with the light of Your truth, I pray that you will allow Jesus to become my personal Lord and Savior to help me, guide me, protect me and show me the way, in Jesus name I ask and pray, amen!
– Neil Anderson
Isaiah 50:10
Who is among you that fears the LORD, that obeys the voice of His servant, that walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God