Tag Archives: faith

Perfume the Atmosphere with Declarations, Give Jesus something to do!

…That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. (Philemon 1:6). Acknowledging every good thing we have in Christ is a good thing to do. Listen

When you can’t, Jesus can!

If you’ve been having a hard time of it lately, try not to sweat the small stuff, cause you are not at the mercy of how you life is right now, cause “Jesus can fix what’s broken, heal what is

If Problems are Tiring You Out,Jesus wants to help!

Have you ever heard the song “You just gotta have FAITTTTTTHHHH!” From the song “Faith” by George Michael and Limp Bizkit?   Did you know that they way you think will influence the way you will be. This is why

Jesus wants to Help You Fix Your Life!

In case You haven’t noticed it, life is getting tougher, rougher and many different and unforeseen obstacles are cropping up every where trying to divert your focus from God’s plans and purposes for your life. These unforeseen obstacles are trying

Rediscover This Gift that Jesus Wants To Give You!

Jesus said to them: “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest for a while” (Mark 6:30). One of my favourite books begins with the simple statement: “Life had been getting increasingly hard, so I ran away.”

Disgusted? Jesus can help!

It is so easy for us to turn to Jesus and ask Him for help, but what do we do when we are tired? Do we still ask Him for help or just give up? It is God’s will that

Jesus Knew God had reasons for Sufffering..Peek Here and Learn!

Remember when the disciples were on the Sea of Galilee and a storm struck? (Read Matthew 14.) The wind and waves began in the evening and continued all night long. Meanwhile, Jesus was on a mountaintop praying, far away from

Change Yourself and Let Jesus Change Your World!

No one ever woke up and said, “I think I’ll try to have a miserable day.” Each and everyday Jesus wants you to have the best day possible. He wants you to Be productive, to Be happy, to Be successful

Ever Wonder What To do if God or Jesus Doesn’t Show up to Help?

What do you do when it looks like God or Jesus hasn’t shown up after all when you pray repeatedly, seek repeatedly and ask for help repeatedly? Perhaps you’ve been praying earnestly for something – and the situation has apparently

Don’t Live Life In Fear, Trust Jesus! Trust God!

Terrorists terrify us. But from an eternal perspective, they may touch the body, but they can never touch the soul. “Dear friends, don’t be afraid of these who want to murder you. They can only kill the body; they have

Jesus wants to revive you when you’ve gotten tired of “going through it”!

If you live in this world long enough you are going to experience many ups and downs, many hills and valleys and many overwhelming circumstances that can oftentimes leave you tired, grumpy, worried and depressed! Circumstances that demand more energy

Jesus is working in Your Circumstances even if You See No Change!

Dear friend, we know life can be difficult. We know the toll it takes when you’ve prayed, believed, and stepped out in faith, yet the circumstances around you remain unchanged. You have faithfully given your time, your money, your service,
