Where Does Jesus Fit in the Quantum World?

Can quantum physics tell us anything new about Jesus? Can it shed light on what He was trying to teach His followers? The emerging quantum model presents a compelling picture of the structure and operation of the universe that’s often at odds with the image presented by Western theology. Is quantum theory compatible with Jesus’ teachings? Will spiritual seekers feel obliged to abandon the wisdom of Jesus, or can His words be understood more fully in light of quantum discoveries?

As we answer these questions, it’s important to keep in mind that everything we think we know about Jesus has been filtered through the perception and world view of the people who wrote about Him. This can be an upsetting thought if we’ve been taught that the gospel accounts found in the New Testament are accurate, inspired histories of Jesus’ life and teachings. However, Bible scholars have known for some time that no authentic eye witness accounts exist and the gospel accounts found in the Bible were written by people who didn’t know Him.

Many years after Jesus died, hundreds of writings about Him began circulating among early Christians, and they each tell a different story. Some of these teachings reflect the “apocalyptic” beliefs of Jewish followers who were expecting a messiah to free them from Roman oppression. But many other early writers compiled Jesus’ “wisdom teachings” because they felt that the teachings, not the person, were the key to salvation. Regardless, when we reexamine Jesus’ teachings in light of quantum discoveries, we can see that His understanding of the universe went far beyond that of His contemporaries.

Quantum physics tells us we live in a universe that’s far different than anything we could have imagined.

We perceive a material world of separate forms, but the universe is actually a sea of interconnected energy that’s permeated by consciousness. Everything in the universe is conscious and part of indivisible oneness. Even more surprising, physicists are discovering that the material world is a virtual reality that’s projected from quantum consciousness. Our world looks real, but it’s an illusion. The quantum world seems like an illusion, but it’s actually the foundation of reality. Many physicists now feel that not only is the entire universe one thing, that thing is God!

Even though the New Testament gospels feature the “apocalyptic” world view, Jesus’ deep understanding of the universe is still quite obvious. And the recently discovered gnostic gospels make this even clearer.  Although it may seem surprising, spiritual masters like Jesus have understood oneness even though they lived before scientific research was even begun. They knew how the universe operated because they refused to be satisfied by taking in information about God. Instead, they had a direct, personal experience of the Divine, known as gnosis.

Although it would be impossible to examine Jesus’ quantum teachings in a short article, the following points offer a few highlights:

In quantum reality there is only oneness.
The material world is a virtual reality projected from consciousness that permeates the universe.
The material world is based on the faulty foundation of duality that allows us to experiment with separation and specialness.
God’s Kingdom is not political, it’s a state of being that unites and permeates everything in existence.
In reality, concepts like sin, judgment, hate, evil, heaven or hell can’t exist.
The Divine actually is love, and we are all safe and secure within that love.
The most important thing we can do is wake up from the nightmare of separation and specialness we’re projecting.

These teachings can be found within the New Testament gospels, the gnostic gospels and early Christian “sayings gospels” like Q. As we learn more and more about our amazing quantum universe, we’ll each be faced with a choice: cling to teachings that can’t fit within the quantum paradigm or look at Jesus’ teachings in a new way. Jesus’ quantum teachings will never be outdated by scientific discoveries! On the contrary, they’re a perfect support as we open our minds to a fresh and more accurate way of seeing our universe.

Copyright ©L. S.  Hager

