Tired of problems?Turn to Jesus!

Tired of problems?Turn to Jesus!

Did you know that accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior does not exempt you from suffering, brokenness, despair, heartache, persecution, letdowns, barren places, broke places, sickness, death or disease? Did you More »

Still need more help? Pray more! Jesus can still make a way!

Still need more help? Pray more! Jesus can still make a way!

Praying to Jesus is a practice that has been around since the time of the early Christians. It is a way to build a relationship with the divine, to experience unconditional love, More »

Waiting on Jesus To Work?-Here’s What you can do

Waiting on Jesus To Work?-Here’s What you can do

We spend a lot of time waiting. We wait for doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, and professionals all the time, we even wait pray and wait for God or Jesus to work. We More »

Don’t like how things are? Let Jesus revise “Your life’s story”!

Don’t like how things are? Let Jesus revise “Your life’s story”!

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10 When satan says, “I More »

If it’s Not working, Let Jesus   Help YOU change!

If it’s Not working, Let Jesus Help YOU change!

Can you even imagine how much of a game changer it would be if, as you drove the kids to soccer, did laundry, walked to third period, led a staff meeting, ran More »


Jesus Prayer – Your prayers!

To touch the broken as Jesus did, I must learn to pray as Jesus prayed! Go into any Christian bookstore, and you will find a whole batch of books on prayer. If you survey most ministers and pastors, nearly all

As God Makes changes in our world,Do You need Jesus’s help?

Do you want Jesus to deliver you from low, barren, stuck, bad or tight places? Are you tired of going through the same old thing day in and day out and feel as though you are not getting any results

When life is hard, Jesus can help!

We’ve all been there. We’ve all felt the emptiness and fatigue of life’s hardships and injustices. We’re all familiar with the feeling of being beaten down by life’s challenges and feeling helpless to make a difference. It’s an unfortunately all-too-common

Christ left YOU Clues!

Jesus is not only our Savior and Lord, but he is also the model on whom we are to build our lives! [Jesus told his disciples,] “A disciple is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully qualified will

Jesus is Knocking? Will YOU Answer?

How can we deepen, strengthen, and become more aware of our Lord’s constant and loving presence? Why do we wait until we are on the brink of disaster to cry out for Jesus’ presence? We know the Lord’s promises to

Want A Strategy To Get Results? Let Jesus Guide You!

Careful planning and hard work are vital, but they have limits. Zerubbabel had an impossible job. So do you, life can be tough and so can building a business or trying to manage your life or your family.  Zerubbabel  had

The Strange Ways Doubt Could Be Blocking Jesus’s Breakthroughs in Your Life!

Welcome, friend and faithful blog reader, today, we embark on a journey together—a journey into the heart of our faith, the essence of our belief, and the power of what Jesus can do when we allow Him to work in

Let Pain Drive YOU to Jesus, Not Away!

Job 19:1-29 There is nothing like hope in the truth to clarify perspective and keep you going. Enduring a painful journey can be done a lot more easily if you embrace truth as your traveling companion. Not only will it

Christ can”still” help you get Victory!

Dear friend, if you’ve stumbled upon this article, it’s likely that you’re feeling trapped in a cycle of distraction, destruction, depression, and discouragement. The weight of life’s problems may have left you exhausted, making every day feel like a battle. But

Don’t Drown, YOUR Rescue will come!

If God hadn’t been there for me, I never would have made it. The minute I said, “I’m slipping, I’m falling,” your love, God, took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me

Jesus! The Lord Of Fresh Starts!

Wouldn’t life be better if we could have a fresh start after making a mess of things? Years ago while on vacation, I woke up one morning, took my Bible, grabbed my breakfast, and went outside on the back porch.

Has This Been Happening to You? -Jesus Understands!

I have been noticing a red-flag pattern lately. It’s ugly. It’s injuring. It’s hard to admit. And when I take a long hard look at it, I think it might say a lot more about me than it does about
