Perfume the Atmosphere with Declarations, Give Jesus something to do!

…That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. (Philemon 1:6).
Acknowledging every good thing we have in Christ is a good thing to do. Listen to yourself today and see what you are acknowledging. The easiest thing in the world is to acknowledge the negative: “This isn’t working!” “This sucks!” “Nothing ever goes right for me!” “Oh, crap!” We often stress walking out what we “talk” in terms of our Christian belief, but how about talking what we walk?
It’s time we stopped talking like we don’t have a God to help us!
It’s high time we stop complaining! It’s time to have faith in God and not in our own bad luck – there isn’t such a thing if you are in Christ! We’ve been set free from every curse.
“Be it unto you according to your faith,” Jesus said. What do you have faith in today? Jesus or your bad circumstances?
Want to turn the trajectory of your life around? Make a new confession. This is a wonderful prayer declaration that someone gave us over 30 years ago. We do not know where it originated, but we still have the old, torn xeroxed copy which we enjoyed regularly for decades. We have changed a few words, but the essence remains the same. Keep this close by and use it over and over to build your faith and to remind yourself of every good thing you have in Jesus, and let the negative go!
I am now releasing my faith in my words by confessing this to be the greatest day of my life. “This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” I live today as if it were your last gift to me on this earth.
I am a recreated being. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. I am created in your glorious image and likeness. I am your workmanship and am complete in Christ. I am full of your Spirit and divine power. I have the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
I am humbly submitting myself to the authority of your holy word, for you and your word are one. I am obedient to your commands and you enlarge my capacity to receive revelation knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability in all things that pertain to life and godliness.
Father God, I am your property. I have been bought with a price, the blood of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore I am free from the curse of the law. Sin, sickness, poverty, fear, doubt, worry, confusion and all the Satan represents have no authority over me. I am prospering in my spirit, soul, body, finances and relationships. For I am a liberated person. Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” I am “standing firm in the liberty in which Christ has made me free.”
I am a disciplined person. I study your word daily. I meditate upon its precepts. I confess who you are, Jesus, what you have done, what you are doing in and through me now. I am acting upon truths and am expecting you, Father, to meet all my needs and to do “superabundantly” above all I dare ask, hope, dream or desire in every area of my life.
I am a beautiful person full of your forgiveness and love. I forgive as you have forgiven me. I love as you have loved me. Therefore your faith is working in me by love. I speak directly to every mountain of satanic adversity in my life and command them to go in your Name, Jesus. They cannot stay; they must go “in Jesus’ name!”
Through the abundance of your grace I have received the gift of righteousness and am now reigning in this life by Jesus Christ. In Genesis 1:24 and 2:8 you have told me what a righteous person is to reign over. Praise God, I am a righteous person – in fact, I am the very righteousness of God – and am reigning over your creation on this earth right now!
Jesus, you have been made worthy to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing. I am now a joint heir with you, and as you are, so am I in this world. Your grace has made me worthy to receive all that you, Jesus, represent. Praise your Name, I am everything that your word declares that I am. I have confirmed my faith by acknowledging every good thing which is in me in Christ Jesus. I believe my faith is now working with effect and that my needs and desires have already been supplied by your riches in glory. The answer to all your promises is “Yes!” I respond, “Then let them be so!”
I worship you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I lift up my voice and hands in praise and adoration to your glorious name for you are worthy of praise and you have made me worthy to praise your Name.
Mark and Jill