Spend YOUR Labor Day With Jesus Christ!

Have you even ben to a truck and tractor pull? If you haven’t, allow me to explain it. Basically, heavy weights are added to a weight box on a sled. The sled is hitched to the truck or tractor. As the sled is pulled forward, the weight box slides up the rails of the sled, thus transferring the weight from the sled to the vehicle that is pulling it. The weight gets heavier the further down the track the sled travels. The one who pulls the sled the greatest distance is declared the winner. Drivers make modifications to their vehicles such as adding more horse power, changing the distribution of weights, tire size and tire pressure, anything to try and out pull the competition and overcome the friction the sled creates. On occasion, these vehicles may break down under the stress. Engines blow, drive shafts break, parts scatter. It becomes an expensive repair.

Have you ever felt like that in your life? The further you go, the more you do, the stress and weight increase in your life and you feel like you are going to explode. And when this occurs, we usually explode on the people we love the most. This also becomes an expensive repair, and unfortunately sometimes the relationships are never repaired. People will carry a grudge, which only adds more weight and stress and possibly will even keep someone form performing simple everyday tasks in life.
In our passage today, Jesus is aware of our stress levels. He offers Himself to us to take away our burdens. However, He does not force Himself upon us. We need to take advantage of His offer and Come to Him.
Matt 11:28-30
28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
When is the last time you spent quality time with Jesus? Is daily Scripture reading and prayer an important part of your life? Don’t wait until you lose all power and traction and you start slipping down the slope. Call to Jesus today, He is available and willing to take your burdens and give you rest. Allow yourself the time to rest in Him to be renewed and restored, then you will be able to travel your path of life and accomplish all He desires for you. You can travel further than you thought you could.
Let’s not get bogged down by the load, or blow up at each other, but let’s rise up with new strength so we all cross the finish line of life and hear Him say to us, “Well done my good and faithful servant…” Rest in Jesus so you can be a blessing to the world around you.
If you want to spend time with Jesus, join us in this simple prayer, say dear Jesus, I am sorry for my sins, I invite you to come into my life to become my personal Lord and Savior, I do want to spend time with you, teach me how to do this, help me dear Jesus I pray to become everything that God has created me to become, and dear Jesus, would you kindly help me with all of my problems, my troubles, and my difficulties, in return, I will follow you, serve you and become a true and devoted discipline, it is in your name, I ask and pray, Amen!
(“From the Pulpit” is a weekly sermon provided by the clergy members of The Weirton Ministerial Association)
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