Step out of the World’s Vortex..into Christ’s Love!

God loved birds and invented trees. Man loved birds and invented cages.
~ Jacques Deval
Is there anyway we can learn true love from God? If truly there is a way then how?
There is only one possible answer: “We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). We cannot “invent” such love, or pump it out of hearts like you pump water out of a well. It must come from above. For it is not within us. But the flowing of that river of love from Christ to us has been clogged like a river dammed up so it cannot flow. This is why there is so little love in the world. This is why so few couples love each other “until death do us part.” In these lasts days, “the love of many shall wax cold,” Jesus said (Matthew 24:13), and it is true.
The problem is that a very important part of Christ’s work has been almost overlooked by the Christian church, and that is His work as High priest in the Heavenly sanctuary. That great love of God in Christ was demonstrated on the cross where the savior died for us all. But in His glorious work as High priest, Christ continues to serve; He pours out the benefits of His sacrifice on the cross. The gift He gives to those who believe on Him is this Heavenly love. Hearts are changed; a miracle takes place, earth becomes a Heaven on earth when the river of love that flows from the Heavenly sanctuary is allowed to flow into our cold, dark human hearts.
You can learn all about it in your Bible, not only in the Gospels, but also in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament. Bring your empty cup to Christ’s Heavenly fountain, and Let Him fill it with the water of life: Jesus lives on forever. And so He is able, now and always to save those who come to God through Him, because He lives forever to plead with God for them. Jesus, then, is the High Priest that meets our needs (Hebrews 7:24-26). We have a great High priest who has gone into the very presence of God- Jesus, the son of God, Our High priest is not one who cannot feel sympathy for our weakness, our problems or how tired we might be. On the contrary, we have a High priest who was tempted in every way that we are, but did not sin, did not get tired and quit and did not let bad circumstances rob Him of God’s joy, power and presence. Let us be brave, then, and approach God’s throne, where there is grace. There we will receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need it (Hebrews 4:14-16)
Christ as High priest becomes the Bridge between your heart and Heaven. When you are tired, fed up and going through, Christ is always knocking on the door to your heart, asking you to let Him come in and take control of your circumstances so that He can help you. You have an infinite Savior, an Elder Brother, who cares for you as if you were the only human soul on Earth. If you doubt God or if you’ve been complaining, Shouldn’t Knowing that Christ is working and willing to intercede for you be enough for you to feel confident enough to go on without doubting God and without murmuring and complaining about what’s not happening and what you don’t have? Christ’s work is one of continuing reconciliation between you and God, an on-going “atonement.” It is not only that He did something for you nearly 2000 years ago: He Is serving you today. It is a constant work of reconciliation, forgiveness, healing, and restoring broken relationships in shattered lives. He works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure, and it brings liberation.
This is the source of love. Do you want it? If you want it, then Let it come,; stop hindering it. Say to Jesus right now, I want it, let it come. Let it fill your heart and transform you. Then, you won’t need to envy worldly people for their money, luxury and temporary wealth and power. You will have something much better-happiness that is eternal.
“Shared with you by F. T. Makama & The WIN International Ministries Team”