Tag Archives: Climbing

Rediscover This Gift that Jesus Wants To Give You!

Jesus said to them: “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest for a while” (Mark 6:30). One of my favourite books begins with the simple statement: “Life had been getting increasingly hard, so I ran away.”

Let Christ Help you Climb Out of Any Pits of Depression!

Have your current problems and old seasons caused you pain, grief and depression? If so, this article shares with you how our friend Bill dealt with this and how  Christ helped him to be able to climb out of his

Jesus Met With God, Have you Met Him Yet?

Exodus 24:12; 25:1-9 Now we know why God met with Moses. But what did He reveal? Verse 12 tells us: He revealed His written word. The first thing God gave to this man who met with Him was His truth
