Tag Archives: Fish

Tired? Experiencing Spiritual Warfare? Pray*Ask Jesus For “more” Help*!

Are you in a battle, and it’s taking more than just a physical toll on you? Are you finding it difficult to find the words to tell the devil to be gone? Spiritual warfare is crippling, real, and troublesome, but

Want Your prayers to be effective? Pray like Jesus!

Do you want to know how to pray like Jesus and have your prayers be more effective and more in line with God’s plans for your life? You may have figured out that if you’re going to pray, you do want

Still Tired? Keep Company with Jesus! Grab Your Faith Boost!

Prayer is one of the most fundamental aspects of Christian life. It’s our lifeline to God, a way of approaching Him with anything and everything. As such, prayer can take on many different forms. It can be a source of

Thinking of Quitting The Race of Life? Let Jesus Help!

The stadium in Mexico City was packed for the conclusion of the 1968 Olympic Games marathon. The winner was an Ethiopian runner. Back in the pack of other runners was an athlete named John Akwari from Tanzania. He was having

Jesus Responds Well to us Even When We Don’t To Him!

I didn’t like the preacher I sat by on the plane. I know, I know. You’re supposed to like everyone, but this fellow… To begin with, he took the seat next to me. I’d hoped it would stay vacant. The

Jesus is Helping You, Are You Helping Him?

  “What am I supposed to do with my life?” “I don’t feel like what I do matters very much… that my life makes much of a difference. How do I make my life count?” “I’m nothing special. I’m shy.

Is YOUR Life Safe?

  “The Father loves his Son and has put everything into his hands.” John 3:35 As the Father entrusted Jesus with everything, we are called to put all that we are and all that we have into His hands as

What Do YOU Do After The Crowd Leaves….?

Thanksgiving is over. What do we do after the crowd has gone? All our frantic preparations are past tense. The meal and feasting are over. Our family and our guests are gone, many carrying a few extra pounds and more

Let Jesus Give YOU touchable Hope!

Scripture: While they were still talking about [the resurrection appearances of Jesus to Peter, John, and the disciples on the road to Emmaus], Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and

~Can Christ Count On YOU To Share His Love?

The recent request came as a comment and a pleasant surprise from an avid blog reader, the short note is reprinted below with permission: A while ago, I believe, a story was published, it was about a man named Mark

Jesus Could Be Allowing Your Pain to Redeem You!

I’ve just got to have some steak!” I surprised myself when I said this out loud while sweeping my back porch. But my stomach was growling and I couldn’t think of anything else but a charcoal grilled steak to fix

What If Your Faith Determines What Jesus Does Next?

“I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) Mustard seed faith will do. Just a bit is enough to begin. As a cup of water poured down the old well can prime the pump and set the water flowing, all I
