Tag Archives: Gifts

Problems Can depress You, Let Jesus Help!

If you’re feeling depressed, remember that you’re not alone. God is with you always. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your family, your church, or your friend circles. Ask them to pray with and for you, and

Ever wondered what Jesus would want for “His Birthday”?

I hope you’re having a happy holiday. It can be a lot. I know it can be a lot! I know that it can be really stressful! It’s crazy to think this all started as one guy’s birthday. One guy’s birthday,

Share YOUR life with Christ!

Jesus is not only our Savior and Lord, but he is also the model on whom we are to build our lives! [Jesus told his disciples,] “A disciple is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully qualified will

Thinking of Quitting The Race of Life? Let Jesus Help!

The stadium in Mexico City was packed for the conclusion of the 1968 Olympic Games marathon. The winner was an Ethiopian runner. Back in the pack of other runners was an athlete named John Akwari from Tanzania. He was having

In A Spiritual Rut? Let Jesus Help!

There are times when, for whatever reason, our devotional life goes stale. Bible reading seems like a colossal chore, our prayers feel tepid and weak, and our love for God ebbs. We feel like we are stuck in a spiritual

Pray like Jesus, get Jesus sized results

Sometimes we just don’t know where to start or how to pray. At times like that, we have lots of resources to turn to in the Word. Paul’s prayer for his friends in Phillipi is a beautiful and comprehensive prayer

Ever Wonder What Good Friday and The Resurrection Has to do With YOU?

Let’s consider some things personally. If you are a follower of Christ, think about the next few statements in terms of your life. If you are contemplating following Christ, then here are some helpful insights into Christianity and the benefits

Jesus Learned To manage Distractions, Have YOU?

People often wonder “why didn’t God help me?” “why didn’t God answer me?” “Where was God when I needed him?” Often the answer to these questions is that we allowed ourselves to become distracted. Some may say, No not me…”I

Jesus Knew How To Get Prayers Answered, Do You?

“God is sovereign,” is a phrase I hear often these days. It’s thrown around as if to say, God does whatever He does, and it’s none of our business. While it is true that God is Sovereign, it is also

Jesus is Helping You, Are You Helping Him?

  “What am I supposed to do with my life?” “I don’t feel like what I do matters very much… that my life makes much of a difference. How do I make my life count?” “I’m nothing special. I’m shy.

Is Your Bucket List Like Jesus’s?

While reading through the book of John, I have been hit with some sobering reminders. Conviction’s arrow has pierced my heart as I see how my way of viewing life can subtly become more conformed to this world, than to having

Jesus gave YOU What He could, What Will You Give Jesus?

Christmas is today. This is your opportunity to give a gift to Jesus. How would you feel to have your own birthday party and everyone received a gift but you? This is how we often treat Jesus. We celebrate His
