Tag Archives: godsbailout

Want something better? Give Jesus what you have!

You know the paralyzing fear that surfaces when the information is too much to learn, the change is too great to make, the grief is too deep to survive, or the crowd is too numerous to feed. “Here is a

Jesus wants to revive you!

If you live in this world long enough you are going to experience many ups and downs, many hills and valleys and many overwhelming circumstances that can oftentimes leave you tired, grumpy, worried and depressed! Circumstances that demand more energy

Jesus Has An Offer For YOU!

You need not be afraid, YOU need not worry, and you need not fret. Because Jesus understands and He even knows the numbers of hairs on your head. Jesus understands that you may be tired, disgusted, unsure and fed up

Jesus can help you deal with multiple personalities!

What a difference a day makes! Sunday you’re in church where people love you, where you’re at peace with God and filled with love, basking in His presence. Then Monday comes. Home is hectic and disorganized. Every single driver on the road has

Jesus’s right revelations can change things!

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of old problems that never seem to go away? Maybe you’ve tried different solutions, but nothing seems to work. The good news is that there is a way out! By

Have faith in Jesus!

Living life can be hard as you try and follow Jesus! Knowing what to do in tough times can be harder. Even though living life can be hard, we encourage you to put your faith in Jesus when time are

This Good Friday – Sow YOUR Seed Of Honor!

I believe that “The cross of Christ is the door to Heaven, the key to paradise, the downfall of the devil, the uplifting of mankind, the consolation of our imprisonment, the prize for our freedom.” The Cross of Christ is

As Easter approaches, Jesus will try if you try!

If you have tried everything and it is not working, the thing to try when all else fails is to try again! The reason you should try again is because the person who really wants to do something finds a

Take A Mini Rest, Jesus Wants To Help!

The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to Him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He said to them, “Come with

Do you “still” need a miracle?

Jesus is still a miracle worker One of the healings Jesus performed was healing someone who was sick. He restored health to a person by healing their body and giving them much needed peace, happiness, and hope. But Jesus can

Are you “wobbling” in your walk with Christ?

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 (ESV) You would think a 300-pound boulder would provide the stability you need when you find yourself slipping. Unfortunately, a fellow hiker at

Anxious? Jesus can help!

When anxiety hits, among the places we go for advice and comfort—e.g., family, friends, pastors, spiritual directors, or perhaps even to a counselor or therapist—we must not forget to go to God’s Word to calm our anxious hearts. The Bible
