Tag Archives: half

Let Jesus Give You A Faith Boost This Holiday Season!

In the Bible God performs Miracle after miracle God on behalf of His people, finally leading them straight out of slavery, away from the cruel hand of the Egyptians.  He set them free.  Free from oppression.  Free from captivity.  Free

Spend 5 Minutes or More-Get to Know Jesus!

God saw fit to make Jesus the key figure in the outworking of all His purposes, the focal point on which the light of all prophecies would concentrate and from which their light would radiate, the solution to all the

Could Jesus be walking with you unrecognized?

On the walk to Emmaus, A stranger appeared to two Disciples in a manner not recognized. The stranger walked up and heard them speak of the events that had occurred over the past three days. He then asked them, what was it that had occurred. They

Even Jesus God Mad at God…How about You?

Do you ever get mad at God? Has something ever happened to you or to someone that you love that  has made you “really” mad at God? Are your current circumstances either making you mad or making you question just

Jesus Christ is still a “Hot” Topic even Now!

In the gospel of Mathew 10 Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. He said to them: “I am sending you out like sheep

Jesus wants to Prepare You for God’s Deliverance!

Once you become saved and born again, the Bible tells us that we have now become new creations in Jesus Christ. All things have been made new. Our slates are now wiped clean and we now have a brand new

Living life as Jesus!

This Christian article is all about Jesus Christ’s life on earth in the beginning. Jesus recognized His relation to God, at the age of twelve years saying to His earthly parents, “Did you not know that I must be in
