Tag Archives: held

Need A Way out?Become A New Creature!

In Luke 18:9-14 Jesus gave a parable of two men who went up to pray that reads as follows: “Also He spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: ‘Two men went

Note from Jesus: My Message for My Churches!

Dear Disciple, The apostle Paul talked about My church as My body, with Me as its head (Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18). His point was that the church is an organism, a living body getting its life-giving direction and coordination from

Is the devil bothering You?Use your Authority!

When the devil messes with you he’s messing with Jesus. When Saul was persecuting the saint Jesus asked why are you persecuting me? What is done to the least of your breatheren is done to Jesus. When people receive you

Living life as Jesus!

This Christian article is all about Jesus Christ’s life on earth in the beginning. Jesus recognized His relation to God, at the age of twelve years saying to His earthly parents, “Did you not know that I must be in

What The Bible Says About The Miracles Of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ showed several miracles within the context of the Bible. He was aware that he was on a quest to redeem Man from his own sins. To this effect the Son of God created miracles to heal the wounded,
