Tag Archives: King

Is Everything You Do Wonderful?

They were completely amazed and said again and again, “Everything he does is wonderful. He even makes the deaf to hear and gives speech to those who cannot speak.” — Mark 7:37   Leaders pursue excellence. They lead their organizations,

Keep Walking With Jesus, He Never Left, He is working!

The life led by the Spirit of God is marvelous. Sensing His presence, living victoriously, and knowing the truth are characteristics of a free person. But what if you couldn’t sense His presence? What if God, for some reason, suspended

Have You Ever Wanted To See Jesus?

“Sir, …we would like to see Jesus”(John 12:21). Does that request sound familiar? Haven’t you felt in the same way? Somewhere in your deepest yearnings, don’t you long to see Jesus, witness one of his miracles, and know in your

Can Jesus Make His Home With YOU?

How would you like to stay somewhere built for royalty? For a mere $ 35000 per month, you can rent a 15,000 square foot castle in New York City that was made for a king… the King of Kings. In

Jesus Could Be Allowing Your Pain to Redeem You!

I’ve just got to have some steak!” I surprised myself when I said this out loud while sweeping my back porch. But my stomach was growling and I couldn’t think of anything else but a charcoal grilled steak to fix

Jesus is Working In Your Life!Are You Recognizing His Messengers!

Oftentimes you are not able to recognize those whom God has sent into your life to make a difference and to give you spiritual insight into your purpose. This blindness can inhibit your understanding of the full purpose of God.

Jesus Trusted in God, Do You?

Sometimes believing in God is the easy part. Believing in his plan for our lives is often much harder. That requires trust in him. Not just in his existence but in his ways, his word, and his promises. That can

Which is your favorite Bible gospel As You Follow Jesus?

Which is your favorite Bible gospel? ___ Matthew and his focus on Jesus’ teaching and fulfillment of prophecy? ___ Mark and his fast-paced Jesus who does mighty deeds? ___ Luke and his focus on Jesus’ love for those on the

Unhappy? Jesus Wants to Guide You!

In the pursuit of happiness, apart from God, Solomon had aimless wanderings and fruitless searching for satisfaction. If you have a reverential fear of God, obey Him and make room for Him in all you do, you will find meaning

Jesus Wants to help YOU with More Than You Can Bear!

Have you ever read the Bible Verse 1 Corinthians 10:13? That verse says, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you

In Jesus’ name Be Ye Healed!

God’s Word is the most powerful medicine available on planet earth and it is definitely capable of healing your body, without any side effects, as the scientific medicines give. The bible tells us in Psalm 107:20a, “He sent forth His

Jesus Clearly Heard God’s Voice,Do You?

I started hearing God speak to me as soon as I got saved—and I needed to. It would be an understatement to describe my situation as desperate. See, I got saved in a county jail. I was falsely accused of
