Tag Archives: Ministry

When you tired, discouraged or fed up, trust Jesus for help!

If you’ve ever felt weary from trying to do the right thing—whether in your relationships, your job, or your faith journey—you’re not alone. Many Christians find themselves in situations where it feels like their efforts go unnoticed, and the weight

A Turnaround is Still Possible – Trust Jesus for a Plan!

When you are faced with difficulties and challenges, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and disheartened. But as Christians, we have a powerful source of hope – Jesus. If you have patience, faith and trust the way that Jesus chooses

Trust Jesus with YOUR unanswered prayers, He’s doing something you can’t see yet!

Have you ever found yourself on your knees, pouring out your soul, desperately searching for a sign or an answer, only to be met with silence? Many of us feel an overwhelming sense of frustration when our prayers seem to

Is life’s stress Trying To Choke Life out of You? Jesus can help!

Job-related stress is unavoidable in any line of work. The effects of too much stress buildup, however, can be detrimental to you and your career. The average workweek has increased to about 75 hours a week or more including work

Jesus Is With You This Christmas and Always!

Because Christmas is here, you may be feeling a mix of emotions. For some, this time of year is filled with joy, warmth, and excitement. But for others, the holidays can be tough. Perhaps you’re dealing with financial struggles, a

Problems too much? “Invite Jesus to Meet You at “Your” Crossroads”!

In life, we all come to a point where it can seem like what we are going through becomes too heavy, the struggles seem to be too overwhelming plus exhausting, and the path ahead can seem clouded with uncertainty. But

If you try again, Jesus will try again!

Why do we limit our lives to the mundane of only what we can see? Why, oh why, do we cling to safety over being truly alive? “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on

Need Help?

When Jesus started His ministry, it was difficult for people to see Him as anything more than a carpenter. His family, neighbors, and friends watched Him grow up making and fixing things. Back then, “Jesus the Rabbi” took a little

Get energized! Let Jesus refeul you!

We have found that Life is full of ups and downs, good times and then not so good times but it is during the challenging times that we often find ourselves searching for help and guidance. In these moments, we

Even if You are tired, you can still Leap Over a Wall — With Jesus!

God gave David victory over Saul and all of his enemies and David sang in praise to the Lord, “With my God I can leap over a wall!” (Psalm 18:29, par) We love to leap over a wall! But what

Christ can”still” help you get Victory!

Dear friend, if you’ve stumbled upon this article, it’s likely that you’re feeling trapped in a cycle of distraction, destruction, depression, and discouragement. The weight of life’s problems may have left you exhausted, making every day feel like a battle. But

Jesus can help with “Your full baskets!

“And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes” (Mark 6:43 KJV). We see in Scripture the phrase “baskets full” five times. Each time it’s used, it follows something having been broken. In each case, the
