Tag Archives: needs

Still Tired? Keep Company with Jesus! Grab Your Faith Boost!

Prayer is one of the most fundamental aspects of Christian life. It’s our lifeline to God, a way of approaching Him with anything and everything. As such, prayer can take on many different forms. It can be a source of

Are You Spending Enough Time With Jesus?

As a follower of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you should be spending lots of quality time with Jesus every day if you want to see results from your prayers, significant growth, deliverance and the power of Jesus at

When The World Overwhelms You, Jesus Beckons you to Come!

One of our Soul Shepherding ministries is to guide pastors, pastors’ wives, and other leaders and caregivers in the practice of solitude and silence with Jesus. Today it’s probably the most important discipline we could ever practice when the problems

Life off Course? Are you in “The Rhythm”?

Here’s a quick exercise to try. For the next minute, list all the things God calls us to do with our lives. “Have faith”, you might say. Or pray. Or go into the world, befriend the lonely, heal the sick,

Waiting on Jesus To Work?-Here’s What you can do

We spend a lot of time waiting. We wait for doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, and professionals all the time, we even wait pray and wait for God or Jesus to work. We sit at a garage or dealership while our

Joy Will Come For YOU eventually Because of Jesus!

Maybe it was the way he said her name. The inflection. The tone. The Galilean accent. Maybe it was the memory associated with it, the moment she first heard someone say her name without demons screaming it in her mind.

Following Jesus Is Easier When You Do This! 5 Ways to Get Started!

I’ve always been amazed by Jesus’ response to Satan’s first temptation: “if you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread” (Matthew 4:3). I picture Jesus there, looking at the stones. His ribs are poking

Ready To Get Out Of The Boat Yet?

Jesus said to the cripple he had just cured, “pick up your mat and walk”. To the prostitute, “go forth and sin no more”. To his fishermen disciples, “throw your nets into the water.” Jesus´ministry is one of action, of

Pray like Jesus, get Jesus sized results

Sometimes we just don’t know where to start or how to pray. At times like that, we have lots of resources to turn to in the Word. Paul’s prayer for his friends in Phillipi is a beautiful and comprehensive prayer

When YOU Seek Jesus’s Way, Are YOU Finding anything?

In Mathew 7:7, Jesus teaches us about asking Him for what you want. When you knock, Jesus says the door will be opened, when you seek you will find. But are you knocking? Are you looking for Jesus to help

The World is Waiting For You To Make A Difference! Will You?

He sat in front of me with urgency in his eyes and tear streaks on his cheeks. He spoke about his gut-level desire to make a difference in the lives of children. His emotion moved me because he was a

Give Jesus Your Problems..Ask Him to lead You to God’s plans!

The world we live in can be very stressful at times, wouldn’t you agree?  Especially when you have to listen to and deal with the world’s problems, your own problems, your friend’s problems and your family’s problems. With so many
