Tag Archives: Praying

Let Jesus Give You A Faith Boost This Holiday Season!

In the Bible God performs Miracle after miracle God on behalf of His people, finally leading them straight out of slavery, away from the cruel hand of the Egyptians.  He set them free.  Free from oppression.  Free from captivity.  Free

Perhaps Jesus Allowed your problems to teach you who’s Real!

One of the most profound of biblical characters is the man named Job. The book which bears his name is rich with insights about real life. It is profound, disturbing, and yet incredibly helpful precisely because it reveals something of

Be Thankful! A Note to You From Jesus!

Dear Child of Grace, You have been blessed with grace because of the Father’s love (John 3:16-18; Colossians 1:12-14). That grace was embodied by My coming to earth in human flesh, My life of service, My atoning death on the

Ever wondered if God “Really” Answers Prayer?

Most of us have heard that all prayers are answered. We are told that God either says “Yes” or “No.” What if the answer is “Yes”? What if the answer is “No” – how can we deal with it? How

Life altered? God has Sent Jesus to Save You For Reasons!

Jonah may be the most classic “Saved at Sea” story in the Bible! You have a storm, a boat, sailors in panic mode, a man thrown overboard, the lives of tens of thousands of people at stake, and you have

Let Jesus Help You With Your Fears!

Using the help of God can be very effective in managing your fears and anxieties; however, many people do not know where to start. Here are some suggestions on how a person can use the help of God to help

Leave the life of the Ordinary!Take a leap of faith,follow Jesus!

     Are you fed up with the mundane existence of living an ordinary life? Does boring routines, dull scenes, and predictable occurrences in your life keep you less than happy, entertained or fulfilled by what you are currently experiencing in

Learn How Christ’s Presence can change Your Life!

In Christ we are a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come. We have a new reality in Christ. We are no longer our old dead selves, but we live through Christ. Yet, many people still

Maybe You Need God to work Supernaturally!

Would people say that you are a problem solver or a complainer? Problem solvers find a way around the challenge and will attempt many different combinations until they have success. Complainers make everyone aware of the problem, but rarely offer

Even Jesus God Mad at God…How about You?

Do you ever get mad at God? Has something ever happened to you or to someone that you love that  has made you “really” mad at God? Are your current circumstances either making you mad or making you question just

Can We Really Predict The Return Of Christ?

  There was a lot of noise recently about Christ returning on May 21st 2011. And yet, May 21st 2011 came and went. This isn’t the first time this has happened. Even few years someone comes along and claims to

Even Jesus Prayed!

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to Jesus of Nazareth my soul to keep. Well, that’s not exactly how the childhood prayer goes, but in all practicality it is how many Christians subconsciously pray when they are
