Tag Archives: question

Someone For Us!

Jesus said it as clearly as humanly possible: Jesus called [his disciples] together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead,

Jesus is Helping You, Are You Helping Him?

  “What am I supposed to do with my life?” “I don’t feel like what I do matters very much… that my life makes much of a difference. How do I make my life count?” “I’m nothing special. I’m shy.

Perhaps what Has Happened is so the Works Of God May Be Manifested!

She was a young mom with two little kids in car seats blasting down the freeway in her black, upscale, SUV. She nearly hit me as she crossed way over the lane marker going 75 on a toll road while

Another Invitation For You…on The Dance Floor following Jesus!

And we all who… contemplate the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18). Being transformed to become like the Lord Jesus is not a

What Will YOU Do With Jesus?

“Then what should I do with Jesus…?” Matthew 27:23 It was the best of Fridays. It was the worst of Fridays. It was the sleepy, early morning hours of the first Good Friday – the “real” Good Friday. Pilate wondered

Could YOU Be Where YOU Are, Because Jesus is Calling YOU to do this?

As the ragtag band of friends of Jesus gathered around their Savior, one thing was obvious: there were only 11 of them — a number that represented incompleteness, failure, abandonment and treachery. Judas had taken his life for betraying his

Let Jesus help you understand… when Anger Lives in Sorrow’s House

Why does grief linger? Because you’re dealing with more than memories — you’re dealing with unlived tomorrows. You’re battling disappointment. You’re also battling… anger! It may be a flame. It may be a blowtorch. But anger lives in sorrow’s house.

Cruciformed Disciple!

Years ago as a boy, one of the greatest birthday gifts I ever received was a VAC-U-FORM by Mattel. You would heat up a piece of plastic to make it pliable, then quickly press that piece of plastic over a

Did You Know Even Jesus didn’t Know God’s Will For His Life?

What is God’s will for my life? This is a question we often hear from Christians and have likely asked ourselves. It is only natural to want to know what God has planned for us so that we can begin

Which is your favorite Bible gospel As You Follow Jesus?

Which is your favorite Bible gospel? ___ Matthew and his focus on Jesus’ teaching and fulfillment of prophecy? ___ Mark and his fast-paced Jesus who does mighty deeds? ___ Luke and his focus on Jesus’ love for those on the

Daily Jesus Helps You..Have you started Helping Him Yet?

She was a young mom with two little kids in car seats blasting down the freeway in her black, upscale, SUV. She was going way too fast and not paying attention to what she was doing to the degree that

You’ve Followed Jesus A While Now, Want to connect with Him Personally?

Life can turn on a dime. Circumstances, events, people, words of a song, a movie, or moment of introspection can change us forever. Sometimes that life-altering turn comes because of what appears to be a chance word we hear in
