Tag Archives: Should

Spend 5 Minutes or More-Get to Know Jesus!

God saw fit to make Jesus the key figure in the outworking of all His purposes, the focal point on which the light of all prophecies would concentrate and from which their light would radiate, the solution to all the

Note from Jesus: My Message for My Churches!

Dear Disciple, The apostle Paul talked about My church as My body, with Me as its head (Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18). His point was that the church is an organism, a living body getting its life-giving direction and coordination from

Be Thankful! A Note to You From Jesus!

Dear Child of Grace, You have been blessed with grace because of the Father’s love (John 3:16-18; Colossians 1:12-14). That grace was embodied by My coming to earth in human flesh, My life of service, My atoning death on the

Can Jesus Use You to Correct and Restore Those lost?

A Note To You from Jesus ……. Dear Beloved, Occasionally in an earthly family, a family member can lose his or her way. That person’s behavior can become bizarre, erratic, hurtful, rebellious, sinful, or dangerous. The same is true in

Are You Busy And Stressed? Jesus Has A Message For You!

Jesus said to them: “The Sabbath was made for Man, not Man for the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27) In his best-selling book “Crazy Busy”, author Kevin DeYoung says he heard an anecdote about a woman from another culture who came to

Perplexed? Jesus May Be Calling You To Follow Him!

As Christians, we are followers of Christ, but sometimes in the midst of life and our own shortcomings, we fall short, and off course with God. But nothing is more important than God’s calling for your life, especially your calling

Life altered? God has Sent Jesus to Save You For Reasons!

Jonah may be the most classic “Saved at Sea” story in the Bible! You have a storm, a boat, sailors in panic mode, a man thrown overboard, the lives of tens of thousands of people at stake, and you have

Let Jesus Help You With Your Fears!

Using the help of God can be very effective in managing your fears and anxieties; however, many people do not know where to start. Here are some suggestions on how a person can use the help of God to help

Leave the life of the Ordinary!Take a leap of faith,follow Jesus!

     Are you fed up with the mundane existence of living an ordinary life? Does boring routines, dull scenes, and predictable occurrences in your life keep you less than happy, entertained or fulfilled by what you are currently experiencing in

Learn How Christ’s Presence can change Your Life!

In Christ we are a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come. We have a new reality in Christ. We are no longer our old dead selves, but we live through Christ. Yet, many people still

Let Jesus inspire you on How to Use Your Burdens!

These days many, if not most, of the Mass readings tell of the post-resurrection experiences the disciples had of Jesus. Mary encounters Him in the garden, near the tomb where His body was interred. He is seen by the disciples

Is the devil bothering You?Use your Authority!

When the devil messes with you he’s messing with Jesus. When Saul was persecuting the saint Jesus asked why are you persecuting me? What is done to the least of your breatheren is done to Jesus. When people receive you
