Tag Archives: soul

Do You “Really Know Jesus”? 5 Things You Might Not know!

With Lent beginning, and a new CNN series on Christ coming up, you’re going to hear a lot about Jesus these days. You may hear revelations from new books that purport to tell the “real story” about Jesus, opinions from

Step out of the World’s Vortex..into Christ’s Love!

God loved birds and invented trees. Man loved birds and invented cages. ~ Jacques Deval Is there anyway we can learn true love from God? If truly there is a way then how? There is only one possible answer: “We

Even Jesus Prayed!

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to Jesus of Nazareth my soul to keep. Well, that’s not exactly how the childhood prayer goes, but in all practicality it is how many Christians subconsciously pray when they are

Jesus Sent to Israel

Jesus told us He was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Matthew 15:24. He also told us that His blood was to be shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28. If Jesus

Why People Reject Jesus Christ

People might feel they know the reason they have rejected Jesus Christ, but their reason would probably be wrong. The real reason they have rejected the Son of God is stated in the Bible in 2 Corinthians 4:3,4. It says
