Tag Archives: Summer

God Sent Jesus In YOUR Life For A Reason!

It was one of those days. The kind of day where the bills pile up, the dishes taunt, and the phone won’t stop ringing. Guilt trips tugged. Vacation seemed like a far-off hallucination. And the list of duties expanded into

Seeking God For 31 Days? Jesus May Be working to fix “YOUR Droughts”!

Things have been soggy in West Texas this past year. Green is not an expected late summer and early fall color. This year, however, prairie grass is still green, very plentiful, and much taller than usual! Weeds are growing like

Maybe You Need Jesus To Turn On The Light!

When I was about 10 years old, my Dad and Mom took me to Carlsbad Caverns. I still remember the gigantic stalagmites and stalactites. I can almost feel the cold of being deep inside the earth on a hot summer
