Tag Archives: turn

Jesus Has Kept A Secret For you…!

Picture this: your child comes home from school, nursing hurt feelings. You comfort her and begin telling her a story from your own childhood to help her deal with her hurt. Or a friend, confused and uncertain, comes to you

Jesus Knew How To Get Prayers Answered, Do You?

“God is sovereign,” is a phrase I hear often these days. It’s thrown around as if to say, God does whatever He does, and it’s none of our business. While it is true that God is Sovereign, it is also

As The New Year Approaches Make The Winning Shot!

When I was boy I spent countless hours shooting baskets in my backyard. I liked to imagine that my team was behind by one point in the last seconds and I had the ball in my hands. I’d dribble, spin

Jesus Responds Well to us Even When We Don’t To Him!

I didn’t like the preacher I sat by on the plane. I know, I know. You’re supposed to like everyone, but this fellow… To begin with, he took the seat next to me. I’d hoped it would stay vacant. The

This Easter,Let Jesus lead you!

Are you feeling stressed, unsure, and insecure with all this uncertainty that’s going on? Is it testing your Faith and you’re wondering when things are going to let-up and get better and be more calm? Are you wondering if Jesus

What Do YOU Do After The Crowd Leaves….?

Thanksgiving is over. What do we do after the crowd has gone? All our frantic preparations are past tense. The meal and feasting are over. Our family and our guests are gone, many carrying a few extra pounds and more

With Jesus Impossibilities become Possible!

Limbless Evangelist Nick Vujicic is shown with his pregnant wife Kanae enjoying their time together at an undisclosed location in this photo he posted on his Facebook page in July 2015. Living in Australia, he was taunted constantly by bullies

Need Some advice? Let Christ Help!

“Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago.”        2 Corinthians 8:10 As 2019 approaches, now is a good time to do a check-up on the goals You

Got Time For Jesus?

My heart stopped as I looked at my calendar. I’d missed my appointment with my child’s school principal. Again. Shrouded in shame, I reached for my phone and imagined the principal reaching for his, except he wasn’t calling me. “Department

Could YOU Be Like Michelle?

As I write, there is a young lady named Michelle walking up and down the halls of our church facility exercising. She is amazingly spiritual and always has a smile on her face and a song in her heart and

If Life is tough, Expect the stones against you to change!

The story begins with a trap set by the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees. The trap involved a woman caught in the act of adultery. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people

Seeking God For 31 Days? Jesus May Be working to fix “YOUR Droughts”!

Things have been soggy in West Texas this past year. Green is not an expected late summer and early fall color. This year, however, prairie grass is still green, very plentiful, and much taller than usual! Weeds are growing like
