Tired? Let Someone Hold Up Your Arms!

It gets me every time—my eyes well up as I watch the video of Olympic sprinter Derek Redmond, who massively injured his hamstring midway through his race in the 1992 Barcelona games. He started hopping toward the finish line, his pain palpable as he boldly tried to finish the race, even though he had no hope of winning a medal. Even more touching is what Redmond’s father did next. Jim Redmond leapt out of the stands and shook off security guards as he ran to help his son reach his goal. The picture of a father holding up his son as he wept in pain and disappointment makes it one of the most inspiring moments in Olympic history. It’s such a clear visual of the raw, messy, beautiful lengths to which we go to serve and love someone we care about.
We like to identify with the father in that story because we can probably imagine doing something similar for someone we love. But if we’re honest, there are times in our busy, stressful lives when we are more like the injured runner. It sometimes seems as if we cannot take one more step forward without falling on our face. Whether it’s a troubled relationship, a bad diagnosis, our child’s behavioral issues at school, job insecurity … it all weighs heavy on us, and sometimes it feels like we can’t go on.
Of course, some people like to limp along and pretend they can handle it all on their own. But you know what? There are people in your life who might want to leap the railing, run to your side, and grab hold of YOU as YOU try to reach the finish line. People who would consider it an honor to walk alongside YOU and be Your companion during the difficult parts of your race.
If you want or need that, you need to let them grab your arms and help.
Yes, it means being vulnerable. It means the secret will be out that YOU cannot handle everything on Your own. It feels risky, even embarrassing, to ask for help. But the beauty of allowing someone to help you as you limp toward the finish line brings tears to the eyes—a display of love (both in the giving and the receiving) that reminds us that we are never, ever alone.
Jesus wants to help you with any heavy loads you may be encountering.
Let Him send you some help to hold up your arms if you’ve grown tired and circumstances have been way too much for you. Join us in this simple prayer, Dear Jesus, This article resonated with me, and I do need help. As my personal Lord and Savior, I invite you to begin to help me lift my arms, by teaching me how to lighten my loads and casts my cares and burdens on you, I invite you dear Jesus to send me christian helpers, destiny helpers, spiritual advisors, counselors or any one else that your divine wisdom thinks is necessary to help me win and finish my race. Help me Jesus, Help me Jesus, come quickly and move quickly to aid me in my moments of tiredness and distress, please do not allow the devil to rule and reign as swirling thought of exhaustion and discouragements tempts me to give up and quit, it is in your name I ask and pray. Amen!
Even Moses got tired on His Journey, — Exodus 17:12 states, “Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset”.
Used with permission of iDisciple Publishers from the book FIND REST by Shaunti Feldhahn.
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