Is your christian walk like Jesus?

Have you heard of or read the teachings of Jesus Christ? If you have studied the life of Jesus at all or heard about the life of Jesus Christ at all then you may have come to realize that Jesus was all about God’s business and not His own. Jesus Christ learned to walk with God early in life and He based his decisions, His moves and His actions on what God would want Him to do. What about you? As you try and live out your christian life, are you walking as Jesus walked trying to do as God would want you to do in life? If you are trying to do the best you can or if you haven’t been able to walk your christian journey like Jesus, God understands. Daily living can be rough, it can be tough and it can be downright hard, and sometimes doing the right thing for the right reason and walking as Jesus walked is not only difficult but it doesn’t seem possible or within your ability to do it.

But what if you had help in walking your christian life as Jesus walked His? What If at this precise moment you became aware that Jesus Christ Himself is not only able but willing to help you walk your christian walk as He walked His? What would you do? What would you say? Would you want that? 1 John 2:6 states those who say they live in God should live as Jesus did. Since 1 John 2:6 makes this statement, then living as Jesus did includes walking as Jesus did and living your life as Jesus did. But because Jesus understands that humanly it may be impossible for you to walk and live your christian life as He did, He wants to offer to help you. The fiery heat of life’s trials will try to make you lose your religion, your faith, your mind and your temper, but the supernatural changes that Jesus can create within you can help you gain not only the strength to walk like Jesus walked but it can also help you gain the desire to walk like Jesus walked.

If you are interested in walking your christian walk like Jesus walked, we’d like to invite you to join us in this simple prayer. When you join us in this simple prayer, Jesus Christ will begin a good work in you to help you walk like He walked and He will begin to help you live like He lived as you seek to lead your christian life with integrity, humility, love and gratefulness to God! So if you’re ready to receive help in walking your christian life like Jesus walked His then,

Join us in this simple prayer if you want Jesus’s help in walking like He walked;

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I invite you to come in my life to become my personal Lord and Savior. I invite you to help me learn to walk as you walked when you were here on earth for 33 years. I invite you to help me live as you lived when you were here on earth for 33 years. Please do a supernatural work in me to enable me to be like you and to walk like you walked and to live as you lived. I cannot do this without your help. It is in this way that I will further position myself to follow you and gain momentum and endurance so that I can become all that God has created me to be. Bless me and my decision to do this and bless WIN International Ministries I pray – Amen.
