Want Steps to get on track to Prosper? Come sit with Jesus!

“You cleanse your mind for prosperity and attract your good by first writing out what you want to eliminate from your life.  By writing out what you want to eliminate, you open the space and create a vacuum for what you want to manifest.  Just like planting a victory garden, you clear and weed the soil so it is clean and fertile before planting your highest quality seeds and plants (dreams and desires).

If you want to be prospered, healed and have your prayers answered, you must clean up and clean out your life. 

It is said that God (as divine law) withholds the next development until order is first established in the present situation.

After you write out your elimination list, the next step to cleanse your mind for prosperity is by practicing forgiveness.  It has also been said that Holding grudges and negative feelings toward others, or toward yourself blocks your own prosperity.  Until you practice forgiveness, your true prosperity often does not come.

When you hold resentment toward someone or something, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel.

The practice of forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and be free. Don’t you want to be free?

The word forgive means “to give up or let go.”  Forgiveness is a pleasant inner act that leaves you at peace with yourself and others.  Forgiveness is also a constant process.  It needs to be done on a regular basis with any negative feelings toward people or conditions.  Along with declaring that you forgive other people, declare that they also forgive you.   Also release situations or conditions you have been unable to resolve.

A good formula is to forgive your enemies and release your friends.  Forgive the people you hate or resent. Release the people you love.  Remember that you never lose anything that still belongs to you by divine right, through the act of emotional release.  Instead, you make way for your good to manifest in grander ways than ever before. For example if you want to practice forgiving your enemies and releasing your friends, you will say something like, “I now forgive my enemies and I release my friends”. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean that you agree or condone what they have done, nor does it mean that your dealings with them will still remain the same, it simply means that you forgive so that you can be freed up from any hate, bitterness or anger that may try to take root in you so that Jesus can continue to work in your life to bring you God’s greater good for your life without hindrance or delay. Releasing situations or conditions or people means that you give up or let go and trust that Jesus is Lord and He is able to manage situations and conditions according to God’s divine plan.

For example if you want to practice letting go, you would say something like  “I now let go of worn out things, worn out conditions, and worn out relationships.  Divine order is now established and maintained in me and in my world.”

“All that has offended me, I forgive. Within and without, I forgive.  Things past, things present, things future I forgive.  I forgive everything and everybody who can possibly need forgiveness in my past and present.  I forgive positively everyone.  I am free and all others are free, too.  All things are cleared up between us, now and forever.”

To create your what you want, it is wise to eliminate any negative pattern of what does not work so that the way will be clear for Jesus to work in and through your life for your greater good and for God’s Glory to fill your life with every good and perfect gift which comes from God! 

How can Jesus fill your cup if it is already full?

prosperously yours,


:) Lee
