Want success? Follow where Jesus “clearly” guides!

Life is full of making choices, doing things, and going places. What we have done, or need to get done, can keep our minds racing. We go about our day accomplishing tasks and try to squeeze it all in a life that is pleasing to God. Yet, do we stop long enough to ask God what He wants and what pleases Him?
I have been asking God to help me to bring glory to Him—a prayer that I would fulfill what God says we are created to do:
“Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” Isaiah 43:6-7 (NIV)

When Jesus told two of His disciples to “go into the city” in Mark 14:13, they had a choice to go—or not. I know I have had these choices in my life as well. Even though I have fallen short at times in doing what God has asked me to do, I am so glad for the times I have listened to Him. My heart’s desire is to hear and obey Him more and more.
I remember a time near the beginning of my walk with Jesus when He asked me to go into the city of Berkeley, California. I was a student there at the time, living in Walnut Creek. I was strongly impressed that God wanted me to drive my car to Berkeley. So, I went. I began with a series of trips ministering to the homeless population. This went on for a number of nights and I learned that God cares for the hurting and homeless. He used me to bring His love and care by praying for them, being with them, and listening to what they were going through.

If I had not agreed to go, I would not have experienced the love and fellowship of God in action. Similarly, if the two disciples of Jesus had not gone to the city when He told them, they would have missed out. But they did go, and saw for themselves that God had a plan for the Passover meal and gathering—which would be the Last Supper with their Lord:
The disciples … went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover. Mark 14:16
Yes, life can be busy, but we need to make time for God. His direction and plans are more important than all the busy things we do and all the places we go. God doesn’t want us to miss “the good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Can Jesus change your life?
If you want Jesus to clearly guide you, repeat this prayer, Dear Jesus, I am a sinner in need of your saving grace, your mercy and help! Please forgive me for my sins. I invite you to come into my life and become my personal Lord and Savior, clearly guide me the ways that I should go! Protect me! Help me! Fix me and help me become all that God has created me to become, it is in your name I ask and pray! Amen! https://chataboutjesus.com/