When life is hard, Jesus can help!

We’ve all been there. We’ve all felt the emptiness and fatigue of life’s hardships and injustices. We’re all familiar with the feeling of being beaten down by life’s challenges and feeling helpless to make a difference. It’s an unfortunately all-too-common scenario, and it can make us feel weary, discouraged and fed up.

But we don’t have to suffer alone, or stay stuck in this overwhelming state. Even when life has been difficult and we’re feeling disheartened, there is hope. When we’re feeling discouraged and fed up, we can turn to Jesus and He will work in our lives in powerful ways. Here are 7 ways that Jesus can work in our lives if we pray.

1. Comfort and Peace
When feeling discouraged and hopeless, Jesus can offer us His comfort and peace. His love is like a soft blanket that will wrap us up and comfort us in the face of our distress and sadness. We can have the assurance that He’s in control of our situation, even when we feel out of control. He will give us the strength and courage to get through even the hardest of times.

2. Guidance
One of the most precious gifts that Jesus can give us is guidance. He can provide clear guidance in decision-making and difficult situations. His Word and His Spirit are always available to us as a source of direction and wisdom.

3. Strength
Jesus will give us strength in times of difficulty. He will empower us to continue on, even in the face of hardship and heartache. He will aid us in finding a new source of strength so that we can keep going, even when the odds seem against us.

4. Clarity
Clarity in our lives and circumstances is an invaluable gift. When feeling fed up, it can be easy to get lost in discouragement and despair. But Jesus will bring focus, peace, and clarity to the situation so that we can see a path forward. He will give us the vision to make sense of it all and move forward with confidence.

5. Hope
When we’re feeling discouraged and defeated, Jesus can give us hope. His hope is like a bright light in the darkness, and it gives us something to cling to in our toughest moments. He never leaves us, no matter what the situation may be.

6. Renewal and Refreshment
Jesus can bring renewal and refreshment to our weary and discouraged souls. He can give us the strength to stand again after a fall, and the energy to move forward with courage and joy. He will bring refreshment and renewal to our lives, in His perfect timing.

7. Love
At the heart of it all, Jesus brings love. When our spirits feel downcast and drained, Jesus can fill us with His unconditional love. He can wash away our disappointments and restore the joy in our lives. His love is the ultimate source of hope and strength that we need in times of difficulty.

At the end of the day, Jesus is the ultimate source of comfort and strength for those who are feeling discouraged, tired and fed up. He will work in our lives and circumstances in powerful ways if we turn to Him in prayer. As we rest in His arms and wait patiently for His perfect timing, we can have the assurance that He is always with us and is at work in our lives.

Pray the prayer below if YOU want Jesus to guide you so you can be helped!

Heavenly Father, You are the God of all love and grace, and we come to You today in awe of Your holiness, mercy and kindness. We thank you for Jesus! We celebrate Jesus for all He did for us and all He will do for us!

We are humbly grateful for Your provision and protection over us, and for the many blessings You have given us.

We are so thankful for the gift of salvation and freedom that You offer to all of us. We praise You for the knowledge of eternal life and for being our loving Father. We praise you for the Easter story that gives us hope for something better!

Lord, as we look to You for guidance, help us to find our way into Your will and purpose.

You alone have the answers to our questions and the peace we need in times of trouble. Grant us the faith to believe that You are in control and that You are always with us. Help us to live in Your truth, and to always act in accordance with Your desires.

We thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us, and for always being with us in the difficult times. You are our comforter, our shield and our refuge. Help us to trust You more, so that we may walk in faith and not in fear.

Lord, we also lift up those who are currently troubled and struggling in this world. May they experience Your love, tenderness and grace. Show them what You can do in their lives, and bring them the hope that comes from a loving Savior. Strengthen their spirits and alleviate their worries and fears.

We are thankful that You are a God of redemption, healing and restoration. Where there is brokenness, discomfort and pain, please send down Your peace to those who need it. Draw near to them and give them a sense of security and assurance.

Thank You for the many ways in which You bless us each day. We look to You for strength, courage, wisdom and protection. May Your will be done in all things, and may Your love be seen in us.

We ask these things in the name of Jesus,
