Change Yourself and Let Jesus Change Your World!

No one ever woke up and said, “I think I’ll try to have a miserable day.” Each and everyday Jesus wants you to have the best day possible. He wants you to Be productive, to Be happy, to Be successful and moreover, to be you. Life is too short to be broke, depressed, miserable and held hostage to overwhelming problems, low, barren or tight places. Being in circumstances such as the aforementioned is not God’s highest and best for you. Jesus wants you to be happy, healthy and eagerly expecting God’s highest and best for your life, He will work to help you make it so if you will pray, ask and invite Him to help. With that in mind, Here are the best morning rituals to making good days a more frequent occurrence.

Feed Your Brain
Yes, your parents were right – breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy well balanced breakfast will provide your brain with the nutrious stimulants it needs to make those important deadline decisions at work, remember which errands are a priority, and everything else that makes it on your to-do list.
I Can I Will
Repeat the words – I can. I will. Having a daily montage will keep you motivated and instill a strive for greatness within your everyday. No matter how challenging a situation may be, remember that you can. And despite the setbacks and hurdles you will have to overcome, remember that you will.
Exercising in the morning will help set the platform for the rest of your day. If you begin your day by being productive, the rest of the day will fall suit. Whether it be a run or yoga, exercising in the a.m. will send positive endorphins throughout your body and put you in a good mood.
Talk to a Loved One
Is there something at work that’s very challenging? Or maybe there’s a discussion you’ve been putting off? Regardless of the issue, opt to resolve it in the morning instead of allowing the problem linger throughout the day. If you are struggling with a task at work, phone a loved one and get advice. If you and your spouse had an unresolved disagreement last night, come to a resolution before you leave for the morning. Resolving issues in the morning will prohibit things from festering and allow you to move throughout your day without any additional weight on your shoulders.
Say It!
You want to have a good morning? So, say it! Say good morning to your family. Say good morning to the barista fixing your coffee. Say good morning to your co-workers. Say good morning to a random stranger that crosses your path. Spreading good cheer will reinforce your positive mind set, allowing you to truly have a good morning.
Connect With the Man Upstairs
Be sure to have a morning conversation with God. Your bedtime prayers should not be the only time you communicate with him. Whether it be during your morning jog or during your commute to work, take the time to reconnect with your faith and the man upstairs. Ask for his guidance during the day and he will help you stay on the right path.