Does your life need resurrection?

Recently, while cleaning out my garage, I happened across a 30-gallon storage tub. It was filled with items bought with good intent and excitement for projects and ideas now seemingly abandoned. Left in the giant sea of things I never finished! It got me thinking … what else in my life have I ignored and left unfinished? What happens in the gap between exuberance and disinterest?
Lately, I feel like God has repeatedly tried to resurrect something in my heart He placed there long ago. He wants me to accomplish that which has remained unfinished.

I’m sure that happens to many of us. Sometimes, we don’t know how we could possibly begin again. We make declarations and rationalizations about how busy we are or that maybe we would get to it later — at a more convenient time.
When Jesus gives us something to do, He always gives us the enabling grace to do it, regardless of how daunting the task may seem. Jesus’s Grace, that wonderful enabling Grace, will help us get through it with a spirit of ease, causing dreams to manifest and come to pass.
Jesus doesn’t change his mind. His plans are brilliant for us. He diligently works with God to bring Gods plans and purposes into existence. Oftentimes on the road to trying to bring God’s plans and purposes into existence, you are probably met with a lot of resistance, a lot of failure, a lot of disappointment, a lot of bait and switch schemes, and a lot of false hope, which oftentimes causes disgust.

Being disgusted is not a good thing, but then it’s not all bad if you look on the other side of disgust. I have found that most folks only look at one side of disgust, and they get disgusted, stay disgusted and then walk away. I, on the other hand, look at disgust as an unfriendly guest showing up to give me the persistence, the endurance, and the stamina to try again, to go again, or to look again. Jesus taught me that and He wants to teach you that too.

When you are digusted with life’s circustances, whether it be a job you hate, a marriage that sucks, a sickness that won’t go away, a debt you can’t pay, situations that hold you hostage, a business that doesn’t thrive, or folks you can’t stand, you are at a cross road. When you’re at a cross road, you have to make a decision as to which way you will go, which way you will turn and what you will do. If you’re on the road of disgust today parked at the crossroads, I’d like to encourage you to make a different choice, instead of walking away disgusted, or staying stuck at the cross road, turn to and reach for Jesus, let Jesus meet you at your crossroads of disgust, and watch Him begin to turn things around for your good and God’s glory.
If you agree to allow Jesus to meet with you in your places of disgust, instead of letting what was trying to choke the life out of you and make you oh, so mad and so over it rule and reign, hand it to Jesus. Let Jesus deal with it, Jesus may have a resurrection in store for you. Jesus may have a plan for your places of disgust. What was trying to bring you down, tire you out or worry you need not disgust you anymore if you hand it to Jesus and let Jesus meet you in your places of digust.

Think about it for a few minutes, what are you stuck in that is digusting you? What have you walked away from that is digusting you? Are you at the crossroads now trying to decide what to do in disgusting circumstances? Would you like Jesus to meet you and help you in your disgusting places? What dreams and ideas have you been laying aside because you are disgusted? What have you been putting off in sheer avoidance or because the enemy’s voice whispers thoughts of failure, incompetence, and lack of qualifications? What has kept us at a stand-still; frozen in your steps? Where have you become so complacent in our thinking that you would rather succeed at nothing than fail at something?
Remember, God does not call the qualified; he qualifies the called! It’s when we are obedient in the small things that God so proudly and lovingly bestows more trust in us and gives us bigger assignments.
I believe the Lord is saying it is time to begin again; it is time to hope again. It’s time to get the vision again. It is time to believe in ourselves again. It is time for you to let Jesus in your disgusting places.

Meet with Jesus, let Him in your disgusting places, make the following declarations daily until you begin to see change, movement, and clear direction. Jesus will work if you will. Repeat the following declarations;
Jesus, meet with me in my disgusting places, Rule and reign in my life and guide me so that my unfinished dreams, my unrealized callings, and my every desire happens. Help me Jesus, fix my disgusting places, my bad places, my dark places, and my places of extreme pressure and disgust, Jesus, please resurrect my hope, my passion and my desires for the things of God! I believe Jesus, it’s time to pick up what I put down, cause I was tired of it. It’s time to begin again! It’s time to see the victory! I love you Jesus, help me help you make my disgusting places streams of life giving waters and places of abundance, so that I may be refreshed and many will be refreshed because I am refreshed. It is in your name, I ask and pray Jesus, Amen!
Take the first step … do something,
go somewhere,
pray something,
think something
allow Jesus to show
up and meet you in your disgusting
however He chooses.
If you do this, Jesus will show up, He will guide you, He will help you, your disgusting places will begin to change, improve or get better. You may not get miracles overnight, but Jesus is faithful, if you do something, He’ll do more than you could ever ask or think in your disgusting places!

It’s time for your old dreams to be resurrected. It’s never too late to begin again! What dream is laid aside? It’s time to go pick it up again! In Jesus’ name!
Written by Evangelist Wendy Evans with contributions of Neenan Keegan
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